Wealth building

Wealth building

What’s Inside SurgeU? A New Trading Platform With a Trained Eye on Wealth Building

What’s Inside SurgeU? A New Trading Platform With a Trained Eye on Wealth Building

Rising interest rates and credit card debt. Wage stagnation. Sky-high home prices and insurance rates. Inflation and lingering supply chain issues. It’s no wonder American investors are warily eyeing their nest eggs: Wealth building has never seemed so out of reach. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Brand-new and red-hot financial education platform SurgeU has been created explicitly to help average Joes and Janes conquer the markets, trading with knowledge and finesse and securing their financial futures.

SurgeU aims to educate the next generation of investors — from the novice up to seasoned pros — with custom market education tailored to a variety of skill levels to inform its students about stocks, cryptocurrency, foreign exchange markets and stock options. And it’s doing so with a custom-built platform.

“Fundamentally at the core of all things, SurgeU is this concept of skill-building knowledge acquisition,” SurgeU affiliate Jeremy Nosek says. “Our vision for the future is that all financial and business products that we fulfill, we do so ourselves. We build our own products under the SurgeU brand.”

Launched in May 2024, SurgeU offers in-person and online classes, with a blend of technology-enhanced learning, and faith-based principles. Biweekly, students are invited to a worship session called Kingdom Surge.

“It’s the place that the folks have to go to kind of call ‘have church’ inside of the SurgeU environment where they’ll get to worship a bit, pray together [and] get a little bit of an inspiring message,” Nosek says. “That’s something that’s kicked off with huge fanfare.”

With American household debt soaring to $184 billion in Q1 2024, a little prayer for big stock market results doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

No Experience, No Problem 

Although many a trader will covet — and mimic — his portfolio, no one wakes up in the morning and trades like the Oracle from Omaha, Warren Buffett. But you have to start somewhere, and SurgeU is teaching everyday people how to find a slice of their own market success.

“We’re taught things like, ‘You’re not smart enough to do this, so go give your money to a money manager if you start losing money,’” Nosek explains. “And what I would say to somebody that would find themselves in that situation is take a chance, come out and check out an Impact Class. And what they’ll see is you don’t need to be an Ivy League MBA that goes to work for Goldman Sachs to really understand how to trade in and invest your own money in the market.”

SurgeU’s Tools of the Trade 

It all starts with people — the students and especially the SurgeU instructors. According to Nosek, you won’t find any self-important “gurus” teaching there.

“We really pride ourselves in finding teachers with real-world experience.”

Additionally, SurgeU has built its own trading tool called Trade Analyzer to help students dip their toe in the market before they dive in — with real money.

“We want to be on that journey, with them holding their hand,” Nosek says. “And we want to be accountable to identifying when people get off track and get them reengaged, reinspired, let them know that they’re not alone. This is the normal part of the process as they go through the struggles that we all go through as we’re learning a new skill. I think it is really that commitment to seeing them through on the journey that ultimately is a big differentiator for us.

“We’re big on community and making sure that students are interacting with each other,” Nosek says. “What really gets us excited is when you start getting people that start getting it and then start taking the new and fledgling folks under their wing and helping them out. That’s a big part of encouraging that community and the student interaction with each other.”

Prospective students can learn more at surgeu.com