powder dietary supplement

Saturday, February 22, 2025

powder dietary supplement

Technology in Dietary Supplements: The Way Innovation is Transforming Dietary Supplements

Technology in Dietary Supplements: The Way Innovation is Transforming Dietary Supplements

The incorporation of contemporary technologies in powder dietary supplement manufacturing has a considerable effect on the quality and efficiency of the finished goods. This article will examine the innovative techniques employed in the manufacture of dietary supplements and their effect on the finished product.

Advanced processing and production methods

Powder Supplement Contract Manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, with the introduction of innovative technologies playing a key role in improving the quality of the final product. We propose a review of the most common techniques used by modern manufacturers of powder supplements.

Cryogenic drying. This process is also known as lyophilisation. The primary objective of this technique is to preserve the structure and activity of substances, which makes it an ideal solution for the production of vitamins and antioxidants. The process of cryogenic drying involves the removal of excess moisture from raw materials at low temperatures. It encompasses a number of innovative methods, including:

  1. Cryoseparation and cryosublimation. These are techniques for separation and drying of active substances to enhance the stability and performance of the final product.
  2. Pneumatic-inert-gas technique. This innovative process is carried out using inert gases and low temperatures. The process allows for the separation of particles by mass, which helps to minimise the risk of oxidation and ensures the biological activity of the substances is preserved throughout their shelf life.
  3. Refining. The methodology entails the utilisation of cryogenic technologies for the processing of botanical base ingredients, with the objective of enhancing the bioavailability and efficacy of dietary supplements.

Encapsulation. The encapsulation process, particularly microencapsulation, is of paramount importance in the creation of powdered dietary supplements. This technique offers numerous advantages for the final product:

  • protection of the substance from external adverse influences, e.g. moisture, sunlight, oxygen;
  • increase in bioavailability and assurance of better absorption of the active ingredients by the body;
  • the ability to control the release of active ingredients so that they are gradually absorbed by the body.

Encapsulation is the single most important technique that protects active substances from degradation during storage.

Micronisation. Powder Supplement Contract Manufacturing utilises micronisation to reduce active ingredients to a micron level. Dedicated milling equipment is employed for the grinding process. Reducing the particle size optimises the product’s absorption by the body.

Fermentation. The technique involves the transformation of active dietary supplement ingredients with the help of enzymes. The fermentation process enhances the efficacy of supplements, increasing their bioavailability.

Fractionation. Fractionation is a process whereby the active ingredients are divided into groups based on the size of the fraction. The technique comprises several stages:

  1. Grinding and screening. The base ingredients are milled using industrial mills, after which they are then sieved for greater homogeneity.
  2. Classification. At the next stage, the ingredients are divided into types using classifiers that determine the particle size.
  3. Granulation. The final stage of the process is granulation using hot air, which can be carried out in a wet, dry or fluidised environment . The granulation process enhances the structural integrity of powdered food additives, while reducing the likelihood of delamination in formulations comprising a multitude of ingredients.

Spray drying. Used to process liquid ingredients into powder form. The process consists of several steps:

  • spraying liquid ingredients in a sealed chamber;
  • exerting an effect on the products by means of hot air or gas;
  • production of fine particles in powder form.

The technique assists in preserving the nutrients and extends the shelf life of the products.

Improved bioavailability

The modern methods used in powder dietary supplement manufacturing help to significantly improve the quality of the finished goods. Improved bioavailability offers a number of benefits to the product.

  1. Greater efficiency. The latest innovative technologies are helping to enhance the effectiveness of dietary supplements, improve their absorption by the body and make the effect of use more apparent from the outset of taking the product.
  2. Reduced dosage. The high bioavailability of the formula enables a reduction in dosage without any loss of efficacy. This helps to minimise the risk of side effects and increase the convenience of taking dietary supplements, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction.
  3. Prompt action. The high bioavailability of dietary supplements ensures a swift and effective response from the body, which is particularly beneficial when addressing vitamin deficiencies in a prompt manner.
  4. Conservation of product properties. The use of modern manufacturing techniques for dietary supplements allows manufacturers to maintain the stability of active ingredients until the end of the product’s shelf life.

Personalisation of additives

Another emerging trend in powder Food Supplement manufacturing sector is the personalisation of dietary supplements. Personalised dietary supplements are formulated to meet the specific requirements of each consumer. Manufacturers employ a variety of techniques to personalise dietary supplements:

DNA analysis for the creation of unique formulas. Prior to the formulation of the product, an analysis of the genetic materials, lifestyle and nutrition of consumers is conducted. The data is used to create bespoke powder supplements that cover the maximum number of requirements for the end user.

A focus on the microbiome. Probiotics and prebiotics represent one of the most popular categories of nutritional supplements in recent times. By focusing on intestinal health, we can offer a product that will appeal to a large number of consumers.

Environmental friendliness and naturality. There is a growing preference among consumers for natural-based products, prompting manufacturers to shift their focus towards plant and animal-based ingredients. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for dietary supplements, which are produced in a way that minimises negative environmental impact.

Digital platforms. The integration of artificial intelligence and digital platforms enables the delivery of bespoke solutions to each user, aligned with their specific health requirements. Furthermore, the intake of products can be adjusted based on the body’s need for specific vitamins and micronutrients.

The personalisation of nutritional supplements allows businesses to offer customers bespoke products that are tailored to their specific age, health and level of physical activity.


Powder Food Supplement manufacturing is a rapidly developing sector, with new product processing techniques emerging on an annual basis. The heightened level of competition in the dietary supplement market necessitates the introduction of new conditions for manufacturers, who are required to adhere to modern technologies. It is anticipated that the number of innovative techniques will increase, with manufacturers adopting them more frequently in the development and production of new goods.