In-App Messages

In-App Messages

How Companies Employ In-App Messages in Different Verticals?

How Companies Employ In-App Messages in Different Verticals?

In-app messages are powerful tools in digital marketing. They allow businesses to engage with their customers directly within their mobile applications.

These messages can take various forms, such as push notifications, in-app banners, interstitials, or modals, and serve a wide range of purposes, from informing users about new features to promoting special offers and driving conversions.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the strategic use of in-app messages has become increasingly crucial for companies across different industries. When businesses understand the possibilities of in-app messaging, they can improve the user experience, boost engagement, and ultimately drive growth and revenue.

The use of in-app messages offers numerous advantages for businesses:

  • They allow you to deliver timely and relevant information to your users, keeping them engaged and informed about your products or services.
  • Well-crafted in-app messages can effectively guide users through your application, leading them to take desired actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or completing a transaction.
  • Thoughtfully designed in-app messages can enhance the overall user experience by providing users with valuable information or assistance when they need it most.
  • In-app messages can be tailored to individual user preferences and behaviors, enabling you to deliver a more personalized and relevant experience.
  • By addressing user pain points or offering valuable information through in-app messages, you can help retain your customers and reduce the risk of app abandonment.

In-App Messages in E-commerce

In the e-commerce sector, in-app messages play a crucial role in guiding users through their buying journey, from product discovery to checkout. A study by MoEngage shows that personalized in-app messages can increase conversion rates by up to 27%.

Retailers use in-app messages to announce sales, promote items based on browsing history, and provide personalized offers, significantly enhancing the shopping experience. For example, they can inform users about limited-time sales, flash deals, or exclusive discounts and encourage them to take immediate action. Or, they can target in-app messages to users who have added items to their cart but haven’t completed the purchase, nudging them to finish the transaction.

GreenThreads is one of those companies that saw the power of in-app messaging. Namely, they had issues driving sales on the website, so they decided to implement a strategic in-app messaging campaign. Upon the first app launch, users received personalized welcome messages that introduced them to the GreenThreads mission and offered a guided tour of the app.

Using user data, GreenThreads was able to send personalized product recommendations through in-app messages. These messages were tailored based on the user’s browsing history and preferences, making the recommendations highly relevant. Additionally, they sent exclusive offers and discounts to incentivize purchases. GreenThreads’ implementation of in-app messaging yielded impressive results—the personalized product recommendations and exclusive offers led to a 25% increase in conversion rates.

In-App Messages in Finance Apps

Financial services, including banking apps, use in-app messaging for security alerts, fraud prevention tips, and personalized financial advice. This not only ensures the security of users’ financial information but also builds trust and loyalty. There was even research from Infobip, which found that in-app messaging has helped financial institutions increase customer engagement by 40%.

Account updates are crucial for keeping users informed about their account balances, transaction history, and upcoming bills, which is essential for helping them manage their finances effectively.

Additionally, offering investment insights can position your app as a trusted advisor by providing users with timely investment recommendations, market updates, and financial tips. This not only aids them in making informed decisions but also boosts your app’s value. Fraud alerts are another significant feature, utilizing in-app messaging to promptly notify users about suspicious activities or potential fraud. This is key to enhancing the security of your finance app and building trust among your user base.

In-App Messages in Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, in-app messages are a crucial tool for improving patient engagement, promoting healthy behaviors, and enhancing the overall care experience. These messages can serve various purposes. They can send reminders to users about their upcoming appointments, reducing the chances of missed visits.

They are also useful for managing medication by helping users keep track of their medication schedules, sending refill reminders, and providing important dosage information. Furthermore, in-app messages can share wellness tips with users, offering advice on healthy habits, nutrition, or fitness, thus empowering them to take a more active role in their well-being.

Additionally, they can assist users in navigating the process of scheduling or accessing virtual healthcare consultations, ensuring a seamless telehealth experience.

Studies have shown that appointment reminders sent via in-app messages can significantly reduce no-show rates. A review published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that electronic reminders reduced missed appointments by as much as 29%.

In-App Messages in the Online Gaming Industry

The casino gambling industry has also recognized the potential of in-app messaging to engage users and improve conversions. Given the highly competitive nature of this sector, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture user attention and encourage loyalty. In-app messaging in this vertical is not just about promoting the latest games or offers; it also plays a crucial role in guiding users through registration processes, providing tutorials on how to play, and offering personalized gaming recommendations.

One critical stage where in-app messaging significantly impacts is the registration and onboarding process. The challenge for many online casinos is to simplify these processes to reduce drop-offs and encourage new users to complete their registration.

Slotswise, for instance, conducted a test with its partner Playzee focused on optimizing the in-app message strategy on the slot app page. The primary goal was to increase engagement and improve conversions, specifically targeting new users in the registration phase. They designed a series of in-app messages that would trigger at different stages of the user’s journey on the page.

These messages included a welcome message with a brief guide on navigating the app, custom messages based on user behavior, such as spending a certain amount of time on a game preview without playing, and a reminder of the exclusive bonus available upon completing the registration.

The test revealed significant improvements—a 20% increase in the registration process completion rate among new users who received in-app messages, a 15% uplift in first-time deposits from users who engaged with the in-app messages, and improved user feedback, indicating that the guidance made the registration process less daunting and more engaging.

All things considered, in-app messages have become an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries, enabling them to engage with their customers in a more personalized and effective manner. By understanding the unique benefits and use cases of in-app messages in different verticals, companies can leverage this powerful marketing channel to drive user engagement, boost conversions, and ultimately achieve their growth and revenue goals.