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climate education

UK Students Call for Action: 76% Concerned About the Environment, 66% Advocate for Inclusivity

UK Students Call for Action: 76% Concerned About the Environment, 66% Advocate for Inclusivity

As Students Return to School, Sustainability, Inclusivity, and Tech Savviness Top the UK Agenda

  • 76% are concerned about the environment
  • 66% of students want to advocate for a more sustainable and inclusive society
  • 56% believe their future job will involve technology

With the new academic year underway, students are entering the classroom focused on shaping their futures. Research from leading tutoring provider GoStudent indicates that students are increasingly aware of the challenges ahead and are calling for schools to prioritize sustainability, climate education, and technological development.

Students Seek Change Amid Concerns About Educational Relevance

The findings from GoStudent’s Future of Education Report 2024 reveal that 76% of UK students are worried about environmental issues, while 66% are eager to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive society. These students are determined to make a difference and recognize the importance of innovation, with 56% believing their future careers will be closely tied to technology.

In 2023, the most popular career aspiration among students was healthcare, followed closely by technology. Given the rapid advancements in these fields, it’s not surprising that 37% of UK students feel their schools are not equipping them with the necessary skills for their desired careers.

With 69% of students expressing a need for more guidance in planning their futures, there is significant potential to personalize education and cultivate the interests they have shown—whether through practical experiences, expert advice, or hands-on learning.

Empowering the Next Generation

GoStudent has long advocated for the benefits of personalized education. To support the ambitions of the next generation, the company is offering 50 scholarships to students across Europe, enabling them to pursue their dream careers. Recipients will receive tailored, one-on-one tutoring to meet their specific needs and goals.

Felix Ohswald, CEO and Co-founder of GoStudent, stated, “I firmly believe that education is the most powerful tool at a person’s disposal. Today’s students are passionate, driven, and deeply concerned about their world. Through our scholarship program, we aim to help them realize their ambitions. With the right guidance, any child can turn their dreams into reality.”

Scholarship recipients in the UK will be selected by a dedicated three-member jury, which includes Felix Ohswald, Michael McKoy—former schoolteacher and GoStudent’s UK Tutor of the Year—and Mya Medina, Regional Head of Customer and Tutor Operations at GoStudent. They will evaluate applications based on three criteria: clarity of the dream, the potential impact of tutoring support, and the level of passion expressed.

Mya Medina remarked, “I am thrilled to join the judging panel to help identify students who will benefit from additional educational support. Education is a powerful tool that can lead to brighter futures and open pathways to success.”

Michael McKoy added, “This scholarship represents an inspiring opportunity to make a meaningful difference in a child’s life. By fostering learner agency, we can inspire confidence and a lifelong curiosity for learning.”