Rapidly Growing Digital Agency Relocate to Facilitate Growth

Rapidly Growing Digital Agency Relocate to Facilitate Growth


Digital Reflow, the leading digital marketing consultancy in the East of England for premium and aspirational brands, has moved to new premises in Colchester to accommodate its expanding team as the business goes from strength to strength.

The new open-plan studio at The Old Joinery in Birch, just outside Colchester, provides a spacious new setting to establish the culture and aspirations of the company as it grows.

Only 12-months ago, Digital Reflow employed just six people from a small office in Stanway, Colchester. Today, the business has a team of ten, comprising of Graphic Designers, Web Developers and Marketers, with plans to recruit further over the coming months. 

With a focus on providing creative and innovative digital solutions, the team are committed to delivering strategies that not only increase brand awareness, but ultimately increase leads and provide an ROI that exceeds expectations. Their unique blend of business acumen, technical know-how and creativity ensure they drive meaningful success for their clients. 

Managing Director, Dan Mitchell commented: “Our business is ambitious and growing, just like the clients we work with. We needed premises that reflected who we are and where we’re going. 

‘The Old Joinery is a boutique office space with excellent communication links. It’s attracting creative businesses like Digital Reflow, and provides us with a professional space that is appropriate for meeting clients, whilst giving our people a bright and inspiring location to work from.

‘I’m excited about the potential we have and the projections we have for the growth of Digital Reflow in 2020 and beyond are extremely positive.’

Founded by Dan Mitchell in 2013, Digital Reflow is the leading digital marketing consultancy for premium and aspirational brands across a diverse number of industries, from professional services to consumer brands. 

Based at The Old Joinery, just outside Colchester, the business works with local, regional and national businesses looking to improve brand awareness and increase lead generation. 

The dedicated team combine design, web & digital marketing strategy to transform businesses into brands, achieve hard, measurable results, financial growth and brand engagement.

For more information please visit https://digitalreflow.co.uk/.

Press Contact

For further details please contact Lois Ransome by emailing lois@digitalreflow.co.uk or calling 01206 589 967.

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