Is Your Store Turning Shoppers Off?

Is Your Store Turning Shoppers Off?

The retail sector is competitive, and if you don’t deliver an experience that matches the expectations of your customer, there’s every chance you’ll lose out. If sales have stalled, or you’ve noticed that a growing number of people are either walking past or coming in and leaving empty-handed, now is the time to make changes. Here are some of the most common reasons your store might be turning shoppers off. 

Your window display

Whether your store occupies a prime slice of real estate in the center of a packed mall, or you’re attempting to lure shoppers to a slightly quieter and more exclusive area of town, footfall is key. If people are walking by, you want your window display to turn heads and capture the imagination. Your display should leave shoppers wanting to know more and encourage them to take that next step and have a look inside. The visual aesthetic of a shopfront is key not solely for enticing a passer-by, but also for creating the right image. If the window is dirty and the overall look is drab or dull, a potential customer might assume that you’re not willing to make an effort to impress. There’s no point in going all-out to dazzle buyers inside if the exterior is a mess, or it fails to inspire. 

Customer experience

Today, shoppers aren’t just looking for a product. They’re also keen to enjoy the experience of browsing racks or meandering through aisles. If customers don’t enjoy the time they spend in your store, they won’t linger, and they might not bother coming back. Customer experience is increasingly important. If you don’t have expertise in this area, and you’re worried that you’re losing out on sales because other stores offer something better, it’s wise to keep an eye on your competitors and to consider seeking help from an experienced retail advisor. As a store owner, you want your clients to remember their visit, to tell their friends and colleagues and to come back time and time again. Match features and experiences to your brand image and the types of products you sell. If you’re a fashion store targeting young people aged between 16 and 25, for example, consider hiring a DJ at the weekends or putting a photo booth in-store to encourage buyers to share snaps on social media. 


Service plays a key role in influencing customer experience, and it can also impact the way you feel about a brand when you’re shopping. If you’re looking for an item, you don’t want to be bombarded by assistants or feel like you’re on the end of an aggressive sales pitch, but it is nice to know that people are there to help if you need advice or you’d like a different size or color option, for example. Encourage your staff to welcome visitors and to maintain a friendly, approachable vibe. It’s also crucial to make sure there are enough staff to cope with the number of customers and to try and minimize waiting times and queues.

If you run a store, and sales have slumped, there could be several reasons why your tills aren’t ringing. It’s useful to try and identify potential problems and address them as quickly as possible.