Using Email Tracking in Marketing Strategy

Using Email Tracking in Marketing Strategy

E-mail remains the main channel of business communication and, therefore, occupies a special place in marketing companies. However, the method of non-reflective sending emails is no longer sufficient. Regardless of whether your letters require a response or are sent out solely for promotional purposes, they will achieve their effect when the addressee looks through their content. Measuring recipient engagement would be a difficult task without the powerful Email Tracking tool that allows you to monitor the actions of recipients.

Email Tracking Features

Integrating email tracking tools into your emails will provide valuable insights to improve your marketing strategy. Based on checking the reaction to letters, you can find out the following:

  • Whether the letter was opened or left unread without arousing the interest of the recipient.
  • Did the addressee click on the links in the letter or just read its text?
  • Have email attachments been viewed?
  • When and from what device the message was read?
  • How often the letter was viewed and whether it was forwarded to anyone?

Services allow you to save the history of interactions with different respondents for timely adjustment of the form of communication. They can also be sorted by the degree of addressees’ interest to develop various text messages.

Study Potential Clients and Partners with Email Tracking

So, you have received a lot of data on the reaction of your recipients to the newsletter. But without knowing how to use this useful information, they will remain just another statistic that multiple services provide in abundance. To increase conversions and warm up leads in time, find out how email tracking may be integrated into your marketing strategy. Online business promotion experts at share the secrets of using email tracking and other analytical tools here.

Send Emails on a Schedule

Letters that partners or subscribers receive while working at a computer get more attention than letters that arrive when they are inactive. When an individual opens their mailbox, they may find many unread letters. Therefore, they react to them in accordance with the degree of importance. If your letter is not a priority, they simply will not read it. If the letter arrives after a person has already processed the previous correspondence but is still active, the probability of reading it is much higher.

Personalize Emails

By understanding the degree of interest of a potential client, you can build a long-term strategy for communicating with them. This applies to both advertising mailings and interaction with potential business partners. The colder contact you have, the more neutral the tone of the letter should be. If the statistics show an increase in interest from the addressee, clicking on links, or viewing attachments, add warmth and soft persistence to the messages.

Email tracking gives businesses a competitive edge and saves time and effort in the course of marketing campaigns. A lot of software has been released for this purpose. Learn from PRposting the best services of email tracking and integrate them into your marketing strategy.