How to improve telesales

How to improve telesales

In today’s world, campaigns use many channels of communication, but phone calls are still relevant. This is also the case with telephone sales campaigns. Quality training and effective telemarketing software can achieve your goals and increase your sales. Our article about best telesales tips will help you prepare the best telesales strategy to increase sales with outgoing calls.

Simple rules for successful work with sales calls:

  1. You should set specific sales goals

What goals are you trying to achieve in your campaign? This is one of the most important and first questions when planning. You can gather your team and discuss this issue with them. This process will help you see your progress.

  1. You must be prepared

You should research your potential customers before making an outgoing call. You can make the most of the full potential of the Internet and social media to learn everything about your prospects (business, needs, various interests, contracts and others). The more information you have, the better you can describe what benefits your potential customer will get from buying your service or product.

  1. Follow your plan and script

Thanks to the call script, you can confidently tell about your proposal and convey your message concretely. This allows you not to think about what you are going to say. On the contrary, you will be able to listen in more detail to the answers and questions of the potential client. This method will also allow you to efficiently and efficiently do your job and increase sales.

  1. Pay attention to the greeting

Starting a conversation plays a big role and increases the chances of sales. The start should be positive, with a polite tone of voice. The main thing is for the listener to feel the benefit of the upcoming conversation. The greeting should be short and without unnecessary phrases, like: “I know you may be busy …”. This scenario spoils the conversation from the very beginning and the client does not want to continue the conversation, as he is forced to agree. Better to use the phrase “Have a few minutes to talk?” This question also forces your conversation partner to agree or offer another time to talk, which is in any case beneficial for you.

  1. Use the ABC philosophy to overcome objections

Sales objections are inevitable. Mostly the client is busy at the moment. CallCentreHelper advises to apply the ABC (Acknowledge, Bridge, Close) philosophy. As soon as you hear an objection, you need to say that you understand the client’s busyness. This is part of the confirmation (Acknowledge). Then say that your service or product is for busy people. This is how you build a certain interest (Bridge). Then continue your script and present the product. This philosophy is not a miracle phrase; the client may refuse any further presentation due to being busy. Then you need to suggest another time for the conversation.

  1. You need to focus on solving the customer’s problem, not just your product

The main goal of telesales is not to sell a product, but to solve a customer’s problem. When you talk about their challenges and how that product can help with them, you are an expert in that area. Mostly people buy from experts, not just sellers. You need to feel free to tell the client about similar problem-solving cases using your product. This can increase the chances of a successful sale.

  1. Make sure to keep your promise

If you’ve made a promise to your prospect, be sure to make it. Provide the client with all the requested information within the announced time frame, follow-up exactly at the time you agreed upon. VoIPTime Contact Center allows you to perform these actions (create a callback reminder, send a proposal) directly during the conversation with the client in the same interface.

You need to choose the right software

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Finding the right and appropriate telemarketing software is important, as are the plans, scenarios, strategies and methods used.

The telemarketing software automates routine dialing processes that make your work easier and save time. There are three dialing modes in our VoIPTime Contact Center software: Preview, Power (Progressive), and Predictive. Each of them has its own logic and is used for different needs.

Preview dialer

The first mode allows operators to see the client’s cards in advance before calling and they should initiate the call themselves. Client cards are opened one at a time, the operator can initiate the call or cancel such a card. This is good for talking with existing clients or for complex tasks when you need to take time for each call. But if you are going to close a lot of sales for one shift, it is better to switch to the next dialing mode.

Power dialer

This mode allows you to work at high speed. With the help of this mode, the system can place one number for each free operator and thus reduce the number of lost calls. The Power dialer only connects you to active calls and filters busy signals or answering machines (such call attempts are then dialed repeatedly, at certain intervals). But agents cannot see the client card before the call. This dialer is most suitable for small teams who have a reliable contact list.

Predictive dialer

It has similar capabilities to the second mode. There are functions of automatic dialing, detection of an answering machine and others. The main difference is the smart algorithm that calculates the required dialing speed, which is based on real-time data. This dialing mode is able to simultaneously dial several numbers for one employee. The customer’s card is displayed during the conversation as well as in the previous mode. If the call is answered before the end of the previous call, then such a call will be put to the call queue and can hear the recorded message. This mode is suitable for large teams (5+ agents). If there are many agents, the forecasts will be more accurate. This program reduces free time and motivates agents. This improves productivity.



Selling by phone also continues to be a relevant and effective way to reach potential customers. Phone calls can increase direct customer contact when compared to other communication channels. You will have a great opportunity for success if you have a clear work plan and quality call center software.