Most Popular Games For Virtual Photography in the Last Decade By ShotKit

Most Popular Games For Virtual Photography in the Last Decade By ShotKit

10th April 2021: Virtual photography is a worldwide photography trend that has gained over 1 million Instagram posts labeled as #virtualphotography. CEO of ShotKit, Mark Condon, and his team have measured the presence of the 100 most popular games from the last decade that have proved to be the most sought-after for virtual photography. With Red Redemption 2 taking the number one spot on the list, this approach to photography is set to become a new unconventional way to add to your resume. Each game that has been analyzed is calculated and counted by using two main photography hashtags for each of the mentioned games.

In addition, ShotKit got in a conversation with Leo Sang, a professional photographer who partners with the popular graphic card creator NVIDIA. To find out more about his approach to what makes a game perfect for virtual photography, Sand says, “A familiar and easy-to-use photo mode is less intimidating if you are getting used to virtual photography, the basic camera controls and settings should have easy access and be intuitive. NVIDIA Ansel, which is used by games like Dishonoured and Watch Dogs 2, for example, shares the same interface with all games from its catalogue, making it easier than having to learn a new interface from new photo modes.”

Furthermore, he added, “An element of fun is always important, especially if you’re trying to do this professionally. If the game is fun, your motivation to find great shots increases as you kind of want to do the character justice. It’s probably this element of fun which explains why games like The Sims and GTA 5 made it onto the list.” With travel and gatherings forbidden in most parts of the world, ShotKit’s list provides an in-depth analysis featuring the different games that have existed in the last decade.

Revealed: These Are The Decade’s Most Popular Games For Virtual Photography



About ShotKit

ShotKit is run by Mark Condon, a British wedding photographer residing in Sydney, Australia. Shotkit aims to provide photography enthusiasts with interesting and useful information regarding the best photographers in the world, photographic equipment, and tips on running a photography business. Whether you are an amateur or a seasoned photographer, Shotkit reveals some of the best tools in the market that can work great for you. With thousands of people flocking to their website, the Shotkit team has been able to connect with photography enthusiasts of all levels from around the world.


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