“Ground-breaking” PPE device set for global roll-out

Medi-Immune Ltd is delighted to announce it has signed a non-exclusive global manufacturing and commercialisation license agreement with Mackwell Health, a division of Mackwell Group. This partnership will facilitate the rapid global deployment by Mackwell Health of a fully BSI certified, and CE marked, compact, wearable, PPE breathing device. The device will utilize the Medi-Immune ground-breaking patented technology to provide biologically clean air to users, delivering unprecedented levels of protection against any known, unknown or mutating viral or bacterial airborne pathogen.
Public Health England, at their Porton Down laboratories, have validated test results – confirming protection by the Medi-Immune clean air technology against influenza, and sensitivity data indicates successful protection against the current SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus including variations and mutations, which lead to the Covid-19 disease.
A summary of the overwhelming superiority of the patented Medi-Immune PPE technology follows:
- Disables airborne pathogens before they are inhaled
- Immediately protects the wearer from infection
- A continuous positive air flow is generated by the device providing far better protection from leakage than existing filtration mask systems and providing a high degree of user comfort when compared against existing PPE.
- Superior levels of protection versus N95/99 and FFP3 respirators.
- The device is completely reusable and designed to circular economy principles, eliminating the high and growing levels of contaminated single-use plastic waste that results from disposable PPE.
- The device is designed to last for a full working session and can be easily and quickly decontaminated between uses.
Andy Davies, Commercial Director, Mackwell Health, commented: “We are delighted to have completed this agreement with Medi-Immune. They have created a ground-breaking innovation in respiratory PPE that complements our own expertise in this field. We look forward to bringing these PPE innovations to market and saving lives as a result”.
John Willcocks of Medi-Immune said, “It is extremely gratifying to work with another enlightened British business. We are at last able to realise the potential of our technology, enable the world to be prepared for any current or future respiratory diseases and avoid the devastation caused by a lack of preparedness.”
To indicate your organisation’s interest in this potential and to help in the global fight against COVID-19 and future pandemics please contact Medi-Immune by visiting www.medi-immune.com for further details.
Media Contact Details
John Willcocks, Medi-Immune Ltd
Tamworth , Staffordshire
+44 7774 626270 between 08:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC.
Voicemail calls will be returned.