TV, Film and Publishing Rights Available for A CALIFORNIA COUP, The Novel That Exposes Silicon Valley’s Ruthless Plans For CyberCurrency-Backed Socialism

TV, Film and Publishing Rights Available for A CALIFORNIA COUP, The Novel That Exposes Silicon Valley’s Ruthless Plans For CyberCurrency-Backed Socialism

Santa Cruz, California, February 19, 2021: California novelist, and hi-tech pioneer, Peter Mackeonis today announced the availability of the media rights for A CALIFORNIA COUP the 3-part novel about Zen Corp., the once US government-funded, global social media platform that is to transform America – and then the world..

A Timely Theme:

The availability of A CALIFORNIA COUP coincides with Facebook and Twitter ‘curating’ political posts, and Amazon, like Facebook, developing a cybercurrency. And the novel explores the unbelievable power and elastic social morality of a fictitious 3-billion-member strong Zen, as it influences California’s social policies in a first step to ruling the global political and financial worlds with its libre cybercurrency.

A CALIFORNIA COUP is a work in 3 parts:

FREEFALL, begins with Zen Co-founder Amrit Kahn recovering from drug addiction in a San Francisco flop house. Discovering, in his absence, that Zen has become an information gathering conduit for the US government, he vows to bring the company back to its more honest roots. Amrit convinces Anna Eisenberg-Montalbano, the Zen director who was unaware of the government connection, to help in exposing the link, and she is forced to go on the run when Amrit is shot by a government SWAT team.  When Anna is found hiding in the Caribbean she tricks the agent that tracks her down into letting her return to run Zen as its CEO.

CALIFORNIA 20/20 (A Clear Vision), Anna, now free of constraints, having cancelled the agreement with Washington, befriends the futurist California’s Governor and his undocumented and radical-left assistant. And, now in absolute control of Zen’s huge OneWorld membership, Anna evokes the spirit of her influential and socially-minded Vatican-based family, by assisting the governor in establishing a socialist paradise for the state’s millions of homeless, undocumented immigrants and the unemployed.

WE ACT, BUT WE DO NO HARM, the final part of the book, finds Zen taking control of California. Silicon Valley is to maintain state bridges and roads, and the first residential centers for the homeless and undocumented immigrants has been completed. San Francisco has agreed to adopt the libre currency for its payment system, but when the Federal Reserve, the banks and the Mafia realize that the US dollar is threatened by the launch of a ‘private company’ currency that plans go wrong.


Length 153,000 words

Themes: social media, blackmail, murder, espionage, political engineering, the Vatican, Wall Street, The White House, Department of Social Security, drug cartels, and the mafia.

Locations: Silicon California (main), Washington D.C., Switzerland, London and Barbados,

The main characters are: The unnamed President of the USA, Anna Eisenberg-Montalbano (Zen’s Italian-born CEO), Col. Richard Dauber (Head of Homeland Security), Amrit Kahn (Indian-born Software development genius), Douglas Wilde (UK-born Swiss Banker), James McMurtry (California Governor) Alexandra Cortes (undocumented social activist), Lev Oblomov (Soviet born sleeper), Marec Winger (Croatian-born online games software titan).

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