TCM is Giving a Subsidized eCommerce Store Management Course

TCM is Giving a Subsidized eCommerce Store Management Course


TCM is Reaching out to the community to stimulate the economy and Offering a Subsidized eCommerce Store Management Course.

The COVID-19 crisis caused unemployment to rise dramatically since March, and currently, there are almost one million unemployed people in Israel. Thus, TCM, acting within its core values and vision, which are the company’s ecosystem, decided to launch a new social initiative to help those who lost their livelihood because of the crisis.

The coronavirus pandemic has put hundreds of thousands of people in a difficult situation. Entire industries, like tourism, food serving, events and venues, and almost all physical brick-and-mortar businesses, were hit hard. In contrast, the high-tech and eCommerce industries grew at an accelerated rate following the crisis.

TCM, the leading company in Israel and one of the world leaders in digital stores management, identified the trend and decided to launch a new social initiative. A free eCommerce store management course, during which the company will provide full training for a creative profession to 50 potential candidates, and employ ten of those who excel in full-time employment at TCM.

Watch the video “TCM is opening eCommerce management program” >>:

The initiator of the program is TCM, which was co-founded by Gabi and Shani Bar, the CEOs of the Company. When asked about the program, they responded, “We want to share the wealth that eCommerce has brought us, so we have decided to reach out to the community and put people back to work in one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide.”

Gabi and Shani Bar co-founders and CEOs of TCM | Photo: Ori Carmi

For example, on eBay, there was a 40% increase in the number of Israeli store owners during April of 2020 alone, compared to the month before. Amazon leaped 30% in stock value during the last year. The new ‘Covid-19 reality’ impact on the general public has accelerated the transfer of commerce to the internet. We have seen strengthening in many other eCommerce companies as well, such as AliExpress and Shopify.

Who can participate in the training program?

If you already lost your job or left without a livelihood following the coronavirus crisis but have knowledge and understanding in computing coupled with high-level English proficiency (speaking and writing), follow this link. Answer the questionnaire, tell us a little about yourself, and we will examine your suitability. The ad, of course, appeals to both women and men.

The course delivery is in the form of online meetings and frontal meetings at the TCM offices, lasting for three months, with two weekly four hour sessions in the afternoon. The company’s professional staff will teach the classes themselves, including hands-on mentoring, home assignments, and more.

Each participant in the course will receive a graduating certificate with a personal score. More so, with the help of the tools and knowledge that the participants will acquire, it will be possible to integrate into the innovative world of eCommerce.

The topics that the course participants learn will include a variety of skills, including mental management in the new world, vision and core values ​​for excellence, knowledge of online trading platforms, Amazon, Shopify, eBay, management tools, promotion and marketing (sponsored and organic), product launches, branding and more.

In light of the high demand, the company will only accept 50 participants, with a passion for the world of eCommerce that is highly motivated to succeed in the field and maybe even become a part of the TCM family. At the end of the course, ten outstanding students will be integrated into our international team, with full-time substantial paying employment.

TCM – Connecting people to the wealth of eCommerce

TCM has recently signed an IPO on the Australian Stock Exchange, which will take effect in just one month. “When we started, we did not know where this path would lead. Today, after the IPO agreement, I am delighted that the dream came to fruition,” said Shani Bar.

Over the years, TCM has developed groundbreaking tools for digital store management, based on the latest technological innovations in AI, BI, Deep Machine Learning, and Big-data, through which all elements of the online store can is managed.

TCM staff celebrating the IPO announcement | Photo: Natasha Cooperman

Gabi and Shani explained that “along with the advanced technological systems developed by the company, you can also find quality personnel, including store managers, designers, programmers, marketing experts, and more. We employ about 120 amazing team members around the world, as of today. We attribute a large part of our success to their credit. We, the staff, and the shareholders are a part of the ecosystem of TCM, guided by our core values which enable us to grow each day and become the best versions of ourselves”.

Want to be part of TCM’s winning environment as well? Do not hesitate; this is your chance to dream big and join the new world!

To register for the fully subsidized eCommerce Store Management course, click on the following link:

Main image:TCM staff celebrating the IPO announcement | Photo: Natasha Cooperman

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