TAB’s Mortgage Products Receive Overwhelmingly Positive Feedback

TAB’s Mortgage Products Receive Overwhelmingly Positive Feedback

TAB’s innovative mortgage products have been designed to fill a significant gap in the market, where traditional lenders often fall short. By offering mortgage solutions with the speed of bridging finance, TAB is addressing the growing demand for more flexible lending options in a sector that is currently underperforming in a £50bn per year market. The reception from brokers and borrowers has been overwhelmingly positive, confirming the effectiveness of TAB’s approach.

While traditional banks tend to operate within rigid structures, limiting their flexibility, the rise of challenger banks has further increased competition. However, TAB’s extensive sector experience has given it a clear advantage. Having provided over £500m in loans—equally divided between residential and commercial property—and with backing from multiple funding lines and institutional support, TAB is well-positioned for sustained growth.

TAB’s mortgage products are designed to cater to a wide range of borrowers and property types, including residential investments, HMOs, commercial properties, semi-commercial properties, offices, and retail units. Their mortgage products include:

● Loans up to £7.5m
● Available for both residential investment and commercial properties
● Simple tracker loans linked to the Bank of England base rate, offering transparency
● The ability to act swiftly, providing mortgage solutions at the speed of bridging loans
● A highly experienced team, supported by cutting-edge technology

TAB also caters to a diverse range of borrowers, including:

● Individuals
● Sole traders
● Partnerships
● Limited companies
● LLPs
● Offshore limited companies (Isle of Man, Channel Islands)
● Trusts
● Charities

Since launching these products, there has been a steady increase in enquiries, with terms being offered to various brokers. Loan completions have been growing weekly, underscoring TAB’s commitment to delivering as promised. The current pipeline of deals exceeds initial forecasts, indicating robust future growth.

Duncan Kreeger, CEO & Founder of TAB, commented: “It’s encouraging to see the strong demand from our broker partners for our mortgage solutions. At TAB, we’re constantly listening to the market and our stakeholders to deliver products and services in the way they want and truly need. That was the driving force behind TAB Mortgage. It’s also positive to see an increasing number of brokers and borrowers taking ESG considerations into account. It’s crucial to think ahead and adopt a long-term perspective, particularly when it comes to ESG. This forward-thinking approach not only benefits our clients but also contributes to a more sustainable future for property.”

TAB’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles further strengthens its competitive position. By lending to property professionals focused on sustainability and supporting borrowers looking to improve the value of their assets, TAB not only adds value but also rewards clients with discounted exit fees. In the last quarter, TAB received £500m in mortgage enquiries, with £77m progressing to applications and underwriting.