MindCheck announces Free Plan for its business mental health KPI platform

MindCheck announces Free Plan for its business mental health KPI platform


MindCheck’s holistic, data-driven Organisational Mental Health KPI Platform offers a 360º approach to employee wellbeing

BRISBANE; AUS; 16 July 2020 – As the world moves through a collective existential crisis – where home-work boundaries blur, uncertainty looms, and family pressures mount – it has never been more important for companies to fully embrace and understand the whole spectrum of employees’ mental, physical and emotional health. In 2020, it is not enough to look at employees’ wellbeing or wellness on a surface level, or as a mere checkbox exercise.

Depression, anxiety and stress – which were becoming ‘business-as-usual’ pre-pandemic – have now reached global epidemic proportions and make a nasty dent on businesses’ bottom lines. Did you know that, even before the pandemic, 20% of workers worldwide were suffering from debilitating depression, anxiety or stress every year? And that this continuously costs businesses about 5.8% of their payroll? Most people are not aware, as these costs are usually hidden, masked by misinformation, stigma and wilful ignorance on behalf of companies.

In the wake of the pandemic, global healthtech player MindCheck, born out of a passion and need for a human-first, holistic and hyper-personalised mental health approach, has announced that it is rolling out its MindCheck for Organisations platform worldwide, making its free plan available to all organisations for the first time.

Understanding that all organisations – regardless of size, headcount, industry or country base – need tailored mental health support now more than ever, MindCheck’s free plan has now been made available for immediate sign-up on MindCheck.me/orgs.

“From start-ups to scale-ups to SMEs and corporates, we believe that an inclusive, holistic, adaptable and integrated approach to mental health and wellbeing should be baked into the fabric of all companies from inception,” says MindCheck CEO Ricardo Se Cestari.

Having run successful pilots across the UK, Germany and Australia – from big industry to co-working spaces and SaaS scale-ups – MindCheck’s goal is to become the go-to 360º assessment tool for workplace mental health. As award-winning culture change and D&I expert Vessy Tasheva of Vessy.com, a delivery partner, says: “MindCheck has been critical to understand employee engagement, productivity and capacity to learn at any given time as well as identify what can be positively or negatively impacting the organization on a scale.”

MindCheck’s success has thrived in its ability to look at people through a 360º lens, as its Contributing Factors™ Assessment takes into account not only recent life events, sense of purpose and level of workload, but connection with nature, quality of sleep, relationships, gut health, and more. Moreover, it offers dedicated intersectional programmes for underrepresented groups ERGs i.e. women in business, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC, and unique partner innovative future tech and gamification solutions such as Healium, a US-based clinically validated VR & AR tool for stress, anxiety & burnout.

Matt Boyce, CEO & Founder of Australia’s Human Connection Project says, “Simply put Mind Check is a fantastic, perhaps even necessary, addition to any organisation. The ability to get an in-depth understanding of your communities’ mental health and overall wellbeing allows you to measure and implement positive, proactive steps to an inclusive, resilient and well workforce.”

MindCheck is the brainchild of successful tech executives who have had their personal battles with anxiety, depression and debilitating mental illness. The three founders have a combined 10+ university degrees from top universities such as Cambridge, Harvard, in the areas of Applied Psychology, IT, Business, HR, and Law. Under their belt, they hold dozens of academic excellence and industry accolades and are working alongside distinguished academics from King’s College London, NYU, Harvard and University of Queensland, as well as policymakers from the European Digital Society, to create a new mental health tech playing field that is holistic, digitally ethical, inclusive, evidence-based and, most importantly, accessible to all.

About MindCheck
MindCheck is a B2B/B2C digital platform delivering evidence-based frictionless, holistic & personalised mental health support for individuals & enterprises. It helps over 10,000 individual users per month better understand their levels of stress, anxiety & depression, as well as manage the possible causes underlying them (MindCheck Contributing Factors™). All through a simple and data-protected two-step assessment of over 55 lifestyle data points. Since inception, we have helped over 120,000 people with depression and anxiety worldwide.

For further information or PR enquiries, visit www.mindcheck.me

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