How To Make the Most of Your Time in Light of Covid-19
The coronavirus has singlehandedly cancelled more plans, expectations, and hopes than any other event in 2020. As the world prepares for a possible second wave of Covid-19, many are sheltering in place and quarantining in their homes.
This isn’t the world’s first rodeo however. Many quarantined back in March and April, re-emerged back into society, and now are planning for another period of isolation. If anyone learned anything, it’s important to once again utilize this extra time to its fullest potential. For those in the back who still need ideas, here is our list of 5 things make the most of your time while in quarantine.
1 – Learn a New Skill
One of the best things you can do with extra time is invest in into new skills, hobbies, and practices that can further you as a person. Learning a new language is a popular one that’ll benefit you for years to come. Some skills could be unto making more money such as learning how to day trade or how to sell things online.
And not all new skills have to be unto a specific purpose of making more money or being more intelligent. A great hobby many are picking up is learning a new instrument like guitar or piano. You can find many companies that offer online music lessons.
2 – Get That Big Project Finished
You know, that project your significant other has been nagging you about for months? It could be some outside work that you now have time to finish. Maybe it’s time to paint that guest room with the nasty, outdated color.
Whatever the project is, there will probably never be this much time again on your hands. Use it wisely to wrap up any big projects you have going on. If you need to start a new project, it’s also a great time. In some specific tasks you may find yourself needing a professional company to assist you. Perhaps your roofing needs to be replaced, or it’s time to get your septic system repaired. As long as you’re careful and adhere to social distancing, you can trust companies and services the government deems essential. If you’re elderly, immune-compromised, or pregnant please stay home and assess your risk level before allowing other people into your personal space.
3 – Rest Up and Take Time Out for Yourself
This is a great time for those that need a break to rest up, sleep in, and take it easy. If you’ve been pulling 50+ hour work weeks, use this time to take a break and rejuvenate. While you can’t go to the Bahamas, you can do a ‘staycation’ and find ways around the house to entertain yourself.
For those that have undergone recent surgeries or are recovering from car accident injuries, now will be the perfect time to rest, ice, and heal. Don’t give in to the fear of missing out. A lot of world is also quarantining! There’s no reason you should overexert yourself. Take care of your body by taking care of yourself.
4 – Catch Up on Entertainment
If you exhaust all the other things on this list, then splurge a little on entertainment and media. Netflix is releasing new shows all the time, and there’s no way you’ve finished the entire Grey’s Anatomy catalog!
For gamers, now is the perfect time to freshen up your strategy skills. Who know – you may even make money through means of streaming and twitching your game play. Don’t forget about board games with those that are in your household to!
Like it or not, social media is also considered entertainment and media. Though you can’t keep up with your friends in real life, you can interact through online communities, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
5 – Shop Online
While a little broad, this last tip can relate to any research on something you’re looking to buy. Everyone wants to research products, but not everyone has the time. With quarantine you’ll find free time to research and evaluate products. This could be smaller priced items such as clothes, equipment, groceries, etc. Just make sure you’re still being aware of the risk of the coronavirus and taking necessary precautions.
Some purchases that are really big require more time, research, and devotion. If you’ve been wanting to purchase a new home, now is the time to jump into the housing market. If you want a new truck or car, begin looking into brands and exploring your options. You may not be able to purchase these things right away, but you’ll be set up to pull the trigger on a new purchase. On the other send of the spectrum, it may be time to sell some of these assets and make some extra money. Use online calculators and tools to know what your home is worth.
Stay Safe and Use Your Time Wisely!
The coronavirus is a scary topic for some. Be safe and follow CDC guidelines by social distancing and wearing a mask if you go out in public. Follow the things on this list and you’ll find time going by much quicker than the first time you went into quarantine.