The world has come to a standstill in the past few months due to the pandemic COVID-19. The economy is the worst hit. Human beings are locked down in their apartments, and essential commodities are scarce. People of every nation, civilization, and religion are scared of their lives and that of their beloved ones. The contagious coronavirus has compelled humanity to rethink its existence, investments, and consumptions. The so-called ‘Super Power’ nations with nuclear weapons and economically advanced resources are fighting the pandemic with no or less success to their side.

Amidst all the updates of increasing numbers of COVID-19 patients and dreadful death tolls, the only ray of hope across the world today seem to be the countries’ medical, administrative, and hygiene staff. Though people from each of these sectors are contributing to the nation with their services, the medical industry is playing a crucial role in saving lives. They have been working day and night since the pandemic outbreak and have received applaud from the entire world. The responsibility on the shoulders of doctors, emergency ambulance service staff, and other frontline workers is immense, and so are their struggles to get through this phase of a pandemic. While appreciating the doctors, we tend to forget the paramedics and other frontline heroes whose quick response determines the possibilities of saving lives. So, we decided to let the world know what it takes to be a frontline worker during such deadly situations by listing down their day to day struggles when the rest of the world is under lockdown.

Some of the notable problems or struggles of frontline workers during the pandemic COVID-19 include:

Increased Workload: The paramedics, ambulance drivers, emergency call-center representatives, and medical equipment technicians are well trained to handle increased work pressure. However, the ever-increasing number of COVID-19 positive cases has left them with no or hardly any time to even take a breather. The call center of 108 emergency telephone number has been receiving two times more calls in a day than average since the pandemic hit the country. 104 health helpline is receiving three times more calls during the day than the number usually receive. People with even usual symptoms of cold & cough are calling the 104 helpline for consultation, fearing the quick spread of coronavirus to their families or for their live.

Increased Workload

The 108 & 104 emergency call center teams have been some time working for two shifts to serve people with health issues or infected by the virus. Many of the team members have been staying at the call center facility for days to meet the increasing number of calls.

Scarcity of PPE Kits: The personal protective equipment (PPE) kit is one of the essentials required by the frontline workers to conduct their services smoothly without any fear of getting infected by the novel coronavirus. However, the supply of PPE kit is so scarce that even a few doctors treating COVID-19 patients are not getting it. Many of them are compelled to use raincoat to protect themselves from the virus.

PPE Kits

Staying away from Family: The frontline workers are isolating themselves from their families to protect their beloved ones from getting infected. Many of them go home for lunch and end up having it outside their home as a precautionary measure. There have been examples of our paramedics who even stayed in their cars for 3-4 days surviving on fruits to handle the workload due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Staying Away from Family

Susceptible to contagious disease: Beyond everything else, the frontline workers or first responders are more prone to getting infected by this infectious coronavirus disease. They are risking their lives to ensure no life is lost and save those infected. This contribution of paramedics is worth appreciation, and their spirit of keeping serving their people deserves infinite love and commitment from all of us to stay home and safe.

Susceptible to Contagious Disease

We, as responsible citizens of India, must support the paramedics and other frontline workers of emergency services by Ziqitza Healthcare or any other healthcare organization. We must not just applaud them with claps, diyas, or any other positive gesture, but also by abiding the rules and instructions from the government authorities. That will be a genuine help to these heroes of our time. Stay Home, Stay Safe!

P.S. – Emergency Ambulance Service staff and health care workers are at the frontier in the long battle against the pandemic COVID-19. If this frontline becomes incapacitated, the entire health system will disintegrate. Alongside concerns for their personal safety, healthcare workers are anxious about passing the infection to their families. Therefore, they need medical and financial support to keep fighting and come out victorious against the novel Coronavirus. So, let’s be generous in our donation to ensure their safety. Donate now by clicking on the link below:

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