Heat batteries could transform home heating in the UK, according to pioneering trial

Heat batteries could transform home heating in the UK, according to pioneering trial

Millions of homes across the UK could transition to low-carbon electric heating, alleviating pressure on the energy grid, thanks to groundbreaking heat battery technology. This innovation could significantly contribute to the UK achieving its Net Zero targets by 2050, according to the Neat Heat trial, spearheaded by UK Power Networks in partnership with OVO and tepeo.

The 18-month trial involved the installation of tepeo’s Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB), which utilises heat battery technology, in homes in Southeast and East England. The results revealed that heat batteries, an all-electric, low-carbon alternative to traditional fossil fuel boilers, could reduce peak energy demand for heating by up to 95%. This shift allows heating to occur during off-peak times, ensuring homes remain warm even during winter, while delivering a significant carbon reduction of approximately 15,600 kgCO2e compared to gas boilers.

The ZEB’s thermal storage capability enabled households to ‘charge’ their heating systems outside peak hours, with heat being released as needed. At the start of the trial, over 2,000 people registered interest for the limited spaces available, highlighting the strong demand among UK consumers for sustainable alternatives to fossil fuel heating.

The trial incorporated a new concept developed by OVO – a ‘type of use’ add-on – offering customers a lower tariff to charge their ZEBs. Participants could also set their systems to charge during the cheapest times of day, which was both cost-effective for customers and beneficial for grid management.

This innovative ‘type of use’ allowed the trial to demonstrate that 95% of a participant’s annual heating demand could be met outside peak times. Even during the coldest winter weeks, over 90% of energy usage was shifted to off-peak periods. All participants experienced no noticeable change in heating performance, with the ZEB providing a similar experience to traditional boilers, but powered by electricity.

Green solutions like the ZEB are seen as vital for decarbonising home heating, particularly for the estimated 20%+ of UK homes that lack the space for solutions like heat pumps or where retrofitting may be difficult. Installation of the ZEB was quick and caused minimal disruption, with most installations taking only one or two days. Every household involved in the trial chose to continue using the ZEB rather than returning to a fossil fuel boiler.

Luca Grella, Head of Innovation at UK Power Networks, stated: “Being able to move electricity demand away from peak hours is huge for both our network and customers.”

“The more people move to electric heating systems, the more resilient our network will need to be. Shifting demand away from peak hours will reduce the upgrades needed to keep up with the future demand of green technologies, which would ultimately have been paid for by customers across the country. We hope this also opens the door to further low carbon solutions which we know they are keen to adopt.”

Johan du Plessis, CEO of tepeo, said: “Neat Heat’s success paves the way for the wider deployment of heat batteries, which is critical to the UK’s successful transition to Net Zero.”

“Heat batteries working in tandem with dynamic tariffs will enable millions of homes currently unable to switch to low-carbon solutions to join the green transition.”

Grainne Regan, Head of Heat at OVO, added: “The ability to decouple electricity consumption from heating is an essential part of decarbonising home heating. This trial represents a huge step forward in our joint mission to decarbonise the UK energy grid by 2035.”

“We’re committed to making it easier for our customers to access energy that is better for them, their wallets and the planet, and this trial is a great example of how we are delivering on that.”

For the full Neat Heat trial report, visit the website. You can also join the Installer webinar on 5th September, where UK Power Networks, OVO, and tepeo will present further insights.