65% Decline in Crypto Crime Update Reveals Positive Trend

65% Decline in Crypto Crime Update Reveals Positive Trend

For those involved in this industry, the rise in digital asset prices this year is welcome news. The drop in cryptocurrency scams, which has resulted in lower earnings for fraudsters, is another positive development. A blockchain data business called Chainalysis claims an impressive 65% decrease in cryptocurrency-related criminal activity this year compared to 2022. The analysis, which focused on darknet markets or ransomware attackers, was predicated on the flow of digital assets to illegal companies. The research also highlighted a decrease of 42% in transfers to “risky entities” including high-risk exchanges and mixers, which are often utilised by criminals for the purpose of money laundering. Further, you can visit immediate-booster.com/


Crypto Crime Trends: Surprising Decline in Scams Amidst Ransomware Surge

Chainalysis highlighted how, despite a general market fall, the decline in illicit Bitcoin transactions surpasses the decline in legal ones. The company emphasised that while scammers usually earn significant profits from cryptocurrency-related crimes, their overall revenue fell extremely in 2023 compared to the previous year. Compared to 2022, the first half of 2023 has seen a 77% drop in profits for cryptocurrency scammers. This is crucial in light of the rise in the cost of digital assets, which often benefits criminal groups. For instance, Bitcoin is currently being traded for USD 30,500 per coin, up from January’s price of under USD 17,000 per coin.

The report pointed out that positive price movements usually result in higher scam revenue due to increased market enthusiasm in addition to the susceptibility of victims to scammers’ tactics. Nevertheless, the substantial drop in scams during 2023 contradicts this long-standing pattern. Regardless of this good development, the report outlined a growth in ransomware attacks, with assailants on course to achieve their second-highest year ever, having extorted at least USD 449 million by June.


Which particular types of cryptocurrency-related criminal activities are experiencing the most significant decline?

Cryptocurrency-related crimes have witnessed a considerable reduction across different types, especially in inflows to illegal addresses. Scams have witnessed an amazing decline among these categories, with almost USD 3.3 billion reduced in 2023 in contrast to the prior year. Scammers have earned almost USD 1.0 billion this year from various schemes. Ransomware assaults are the only type of cryptocurrency-based crime to show an upward trajectory, with assailants extorting an additional USD 175.8 million now than they did at the same point in 2022. This specific increase in ransomware incidents might suggest a reversal of the beneficial declining trend seen in 2022.

Scams have significantly decreased, possibly as a result of increased public awareness that encourages increased caution and increased detection of bogus schemes. On the other hand, the surge in ransomware assaults is linked to the attackers’ growing expertise and their continuously evolving tactics for taking funds from unwary victims. Nevertheless, it remains essential to maintain a state of vigilance and remain well-informed about new trends in cryptocurrency-related crimes, ensuring protection against falling victim to these malignant activities.


What factors contributed to the sudden disappearance of two major cryptocurrency scams, resulting in a significant decline in scam revenue?

Despite the increase in crypto asset prices, cryptocurrency scams have lost a considerable amount of revenue in 2023 compared to prior years. The decrease might be linked to crypto users being much more alert to scams, taking practical measures to avoid them and regulatory bodies taking stricter actions against fraud in the market. Nonetheless, cryptocurrency-based scams remain a considerable threat, highlighting the need for users to stay vigilant and adopt protective measures.

Two major scams have vanished, leading to a lessening in the income generated by cryptocurrency scams, primarily: VidiLook and Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Financial Management. These scams guaranteed huge profits on cryptocurrency investments but eventually ended up being scammed, leaving victims without access to their money. Overall scam revenue has dropped, but impersonation scams experienced a smaller drop and a rise in victims. These trends highlight the need for constant vigilante action by cryptocurrency businesses, users, and even police to avoid scams and monetary losses.