Saturday, February 22, 2025

Do AI and quantum computing signal the technologies of the future?

Do AI and quantum computing signal the technologies of the future?

Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing have the potential to have a significant impact on the future of technology and society. But, how might these technologies be leveraged, and how revolutionary might this be? Let’s take a look at some predictions and speculations.

How are quantum computing and AI used today?

Perhaps the most well-known example of quantum computing and AI in its current form is the aptly named Google Quantum AI. This segment of the internet giant’s brand is focused on developing new AI tools and advancing quantum computing to create innovative programmes that are primarily aimed at researchers. By combining the two technologies, it is thought that these tools will have capabilities beyond anything seen before. But, the combination of AI and quantum computing doesn’t just have to be for research or academic purposes. Interestingly, AI and quantum computing might also see a crossover in online casino games.

Online casino platforms are already paving the way to using new innovative technologies by using a form of AI called Robotic Process Automation (RPA) behind the scenes to boost customer experience. In addition, when exploring casino games like blackjack online, players can try their hand at Live Quantum Blackjack, which plays on the unpredictability, duality, and paradoxes of the quantum space by introducing multipliers into the live-streamed game. In the future, some researchers have also speculated that quantum computing itself could be leveraged to transform online casino games, as the computing power could potentially open up the opportunity for platforms to increase the level of immersion and complexity of the gameplay.

How might quantum computing and AI shape the future?

Over the past few years, AI has largely dominated technological innovation news. From Mercedes-Benz incorporating ChatGPT into its onboard entertainment system to Toyota using generative AI to design more efficient cars, it is clear that AI will continue to impact our lives for years to come. However, thanks to recent developments, quantum computing is also on a trajectory to have a major impact on several different sectors.

Recently, telecommunications giant BT has laid out how it aims to utilise quantum computing in the future. This comes after BT worked with technology brand Toshiba to create a quantum secured metro network. The network, which is currently being trialled, aims to analyse how quantum computing can benefit the wider telecoms industry, potentially improving the speeds of synchronisation, routing, switching, and processing. As such, the results of the trial should lay out what is needed to create a data or contact centre that is empowered with quantum computing.

In the future, BT stated that they will look to continue innovating and experimenting using quantum technology in order to improve the security of its phone lines, and the speeds and quality consumers can benefit from. In addition to this, BT predicts that quantum computing will be particularly revolutionary for the energy, financial, construction, and engineering sectors.

The positive attitude towards the future of quantum computing is seemingly agreed upon by the UK government. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt revealed that the government has developed a quantum strategy, with £2.5 billion earmarked for the research and innovation programme. The government hopes to invest and nurture quantum technology so that it can become a “leading quantum enabled economy by 2033”, Hunt said in his Spring Statement. The news has largely been met with positive reactions from the UK quantum industry and researchers alike.