Saturday, February 22, 2025

Climate Protection: What you can do

Climate Protection: What you can do

What can be done about climate change? Climate protection is one of the most important tasks of our time – and more urgent than ever. So if you need a break from TonyBet Canada, take the time to read our tips for you.

The global climate system is complicated and subject to many influences. Above all, greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane, but also nitrous oxide or fluorinated gasses, are changing the world’s climate.

Yes, “the climate” itself does not take “damage”. But it is changing. And in such a way that it harms us humans and the nature in which we live. We live on earth only because the life-friendly climate has allowed us to do so until now. We should work to ensure that we can continue to do so. With our climate protection tips, it works!


Climate protection means that we actively take measures against everything that “harms” the climate (insofar as its change then harms humans and nature again).

States and companies have agreed, albeit rather hesitantly, on climate protection measures. The main aim is to motivate companies to take climate protection measures by means of legislation.

Wasting less slows down climate change

Our ecological CO2 footprint is also so high because we are very wasteful. And with everything. One study found: food waste fuels climate change. But our wastefulness with disposable products also fuels the climate – for example, through absurd plastic packaging.

Share & reuse products to combat climate change

Manufacturing products consumes energy and raw materials. On average, every German causes around 2.75 tons of CO2 emissions every year – just from consumer products (excluding food).

If we would only share every second product with our neighbors or buy them used, only rent technology when needed, or have more things repaired, emissions could be halved.

Buy organic for the climate: without artificial fertilizers & pesticides

Because organic farming does not use artificial fertilizers and pesticides, it emits about 20 percent less of the greenhouse gases that are partly responsible for climate change than conventional farming. In addition, greenhouse gases are bound in the soil through humus formation – this is active climate protection. Savings on 560 kg of food-related CO2 emissions: Over 0.1 tons.

Don’t waste electricity, save it

Doing something to combat climate change would actually be quite simple – and everyone could participate. Because we all use devices that consume electricity – and we still burn coal for this electricity. If we all saved electricity, a lot would be gained.

Buy regionally and seasonally

Rough rule of thumb: 1 kg of fruit or vegetables from overseas causes around 10 kilograms of CO2 emissions. Food from (heated) greenhouse cultivation causes on average ten times more emissions than those from free-range production.

Ergo, the following applies to climate protection: regional vegetables from seasonal open-air cultivation are better for the climate.

Climate protection measure: more public transport

Taking public transportation saves up to 2.5 tons of CO2 per person per year (instead of driving about 10,000 kilometers in a mid-size car in the same amount of time). In addition, buses, long-distance buses, trains and the like are more efficient because they can transport more people – with a much lower energy input.

Also good for climate protection: carpooling and carsharing.