Saturday, February 22, 2025

Entrepreneur mum-of-four shares secrets on making millions

Entrepreneur mum-of-four shares secrets on making millions

UK, 9th January 2023 – Award-winning entrepreneur Fiona Hudson-Kelly is lifting the lid on how she sold her latest business for millions of pounds.


The handbook delves into her story including how her first business went bust, a second left her in a dispute with investors and how her third called Smart Assessor – which allows students and tutors to collaborate online – was a runaway success which she sold for a life changing amount of money.


Fiona (61) from Primrose Hill, said: “There are 5.2 million businesses out there but very few of them (less than 2%) breakthrough high growth threshold. 


“The problem is that business owners don’t often start with the end in mind. Most businesses have a finite lifeline and the reason I wrote this book is because I want people to start thinking about having an exit plan.


“If you choose your niche well and know your market, everything will align and you will see that there may be opportunities to grow your business and finally sell it for someone else to carry on as it’s always best to leave on a high!”


Fiona is giving the proceeds from her book to The Prince’s Trust with the aim of giving bursaries to young people looking to grow their start-up.


She added: “Owning a business is challenging but can bring great joy. Because I have been successful in exiting two businesses, I’m now offering my formula on how to do the start-grow-sell phases well. 


“My book also has contributions from other founders who have also successfully sold. If I’d had this book when I started out, I’d have saved myself a lot of time and error. Now I want other business owners to go out there and achieve their dreams!”

Fiona, who enjoys part of the year at Coffs Harbour in Australia, often shares her knowledge on how founders can grow and sell their own companies for many £millions through her professional speaking and angel investing – and currently has more businesses in the pipeline, including ‘Hire My Desk’ – which is the Air BNB of office chair rentals.

Grow and Sell your Start-Up: How to Create a Business You Can Sell for Millions is available to buy now from Amazon priced £14.99.