Saturday, February 22, 2025

The updated divorce guide for women facing the cost-of-living crisis

The updated divorce guide for women facing the cost-of-living crisis
LONDON, UK 9th January 2023 – As the number of divorces filed in the UK is expected to reach its peak this week, a former lawyer turned coach has launched a new edition of her book How To Be a Lady Who Leaves – The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce-Ready for women to help guide them through the divorce process.
In light of changes to the divorce process in England and Wales, Emma Heptonstall, The Divorce Alchemist, has completely revised her book in order to help women thinking about divorce understand their options. New divorce legislation came into effect on 6th April 2022. The number of applications during April to June 2022 totalled 33,234 (78% from sole applicants, 22% from joint applicants), including civil partnership dissolution applications. Divorce has become simpler, but the cost-of-living crisis remains a problem.
Emma Heptonstall explains “The problem for many women in this situation is not knowing what their options are, coupled with shock and volatile emotions, particularly in high-conflict situations. How To Be a Lady Who Leaves – The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce-Ready supports women to take a step back so that they can respond rather than react. Having a divorce plan is key and having the right divorce team in place saves time and money. An understanding of the process that will end their marriage is one thing, understanding how to make good financial decisions and appropriate child arrangements is another. Finding the right legal team is important, but it’s also important to consider investing in financial and, pension advice and dealing with your emotions outside of the lawyer’s office “
“Divorce often puts women at an economic disadvantage, particularly if they have sacrificed their careers to look after children. Their gut reaction is to hire a lawyer immediately, but often end up using them for handholding, counselling and emotional advice, instead of legal guidance, which can rack up big bills”, Emma explains.
Lawyers are expensive and contested divorces cost thousands. If you are negotiating during a time of high emotional stress without the right support and guidance, you may make costly mistakes. An ex-lawyer and coach, Emma has developed a group coaching program and online coaching community to help women through their divorce process, gaining clarity on their emotional, practical, and financial goals.
Emma believes women need to make three big decisions before contacting a lawyer:

·        Whether a divorce is right for them

·        What type of divorce process will best meet their needs

·        What type of lawyer do they need
Emma understands “It’s challenging not to be in fight or flight mode when you’re facing divorce, I coach women to help them make these decisions by getting them to look at where they are now and where they want to be at the conclusion of their divorce. It helps them stay focused when emotions are running high and gives them the confidence to communicate what they want.”
Emma is based in London and Yorkshire and offers one-to-one coaching either face-to-face or online, group programmes and the online divorce community The Absolute Academy. For more details go to