Life-Changing Research for Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients continued by Breathing Matters and UCL

Life-Changing Research for Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients continued by Breathing Matters and UCL
LONDON, UK 13th DECEMBER 2022 – Currently, around 1 in 7 UK residents suffer with a long-term respiratory condition, 1 in 4 of which will be fatal. Pulmonary fibrosis is a respiratory disease with a poorer prognosis than almost all cancers, with no cure besides lung transplantation. 
Supporting University College London (UCL) Respiratory, one of the world’s leading research centres for respiratory disease, Breathing Matters is raising awareness and funds for innovative pulmonary fibrosis research, which works directly with pulmonary fibrosis patients to develop improved treatments and seek to find a cure for pulmonary fibrosis and lung infections. 
In their 11 years working together, Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory have achieved several breakthroughs in research – including pioneering safer lung biopsy approaches, novel scans to personalise patient therapy, more tolerable treatments and advanced home monitoring. These ground-breaking advancements in pulmonary fibrosis treatment and care have improved the experience for patients and decreased their hospital stays), as well as potentially improving their prognosis.
What’s more, Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory are seeking to further improve pulmonary fibrosis prognosis, by refining a simple, affordable and widely available blood test. This could offer access to early diagnosis – which can significantly improve prognosis and potentially prolong life.
For those suffering with pulmonary fibrosis, breathing becomes increasingly more difficult, as the respiratory system is irreversibly scarred. It is most common in middle-aged and older men, though it can affect anyone, and carries a life expectancy of only 3-5 years post diagnosis. 
As a single father of three children, James hoped to prolong his life for as long as possible when he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in 2010, to see his children grow up. Unfortunately, however, James was denied a lung transplant due to severe acid reflux, leaving him with limited treatment options at just 46 years old.
Thanks to Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory’s research, novel scans were able to detect a predicted positive reaction to novel treatment – which helped James to survive for another 10 years. Sadly, James lost his life last summer, aged 57, whilst his youngest child was only 14. However, the use of novel scans extended James’ life far beyond the 4-year average life expectancy post pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis, giving Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory the justification and motivation to continue their life-changing work. 
Without generous donations from loyal supporters, and the invaluable co-operation of patients, Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory could not have achieved these breakthroughs; they extend their sincerest gratitude for the support they have already receive. However, demand has reached record highs since COVID-19 – an infection which can lead to pulmonary fibrosis in its severest cases – increasing the number of patients who stand to benefit from continued pulmonary fibrosis research.
Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory are committed to finding a cure for pulmonary fibrosis and lung infections – however, since the cost-of-living crisis, it has become challenging for local supporters to allocate charitable donations into their tightening budgets. In order to raise funding, Breathing Matters and UCL are looking to reach a wider audience, gaining support via higher numbers of smaller donations. 

Make a Difference Today

You can donate here to support Breathing Matters and UCL Respiratory in their pioneering research, as well as taking part in fundraisers to raise awareness of pulmonary fibrosis research. To find out how your donation makes a difference, you can read Breathing Matters’ pulmonary fibrosis wish list – and find out how you can help someone to breathe this Christmas.