Pregnancy Symptoms During The Early Phase

Pregnancy Symptoms During The Early Phase

Are you wondering whether you’re experiencing the first signs of pregnancy? Many women are unsure what they can expect from the changes their bodies will undergo after conception and moving through the first trimester. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs that you can keep an eye out for if you think you may be pregnant:

Missed Period 

The most obvious pregnancy symptom during the early phase is missed periods. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re free from bleeding altogether. Light spotting and even some cramping are extremely common symptoms of early pregnancy, usually taking place within the first two weeks after conception. 

It may occur during the same time that you have come to expect your period but will be much lighter than your usual flow. Keep in mind that not all women will have spotting. However, it’s nothing to be concerned about if you do experience this early symptom. 


Do you find yourself heading back to bed frequently or sleeping later than usual? Fatigue is one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms, even during the first trimester. It can be caused by an increase in hormones like progesterone and isn’t likely to taper off anytime soon! 

Nausea and Vomiting

One of the most common symptoms that women notice during the early stages of their pregnancy is nausea. Often accompanied by vomiting (though not always), this morning sickness can strike at any time and is not reserved just for the morning hours. Many practitioners believe that this type of sickness is caused by the hormones that flood the body. It can be a telltale sign of pregnancy, though some women won’t experience this symptom. 

Frequent Urination

Many women believe that frequent urination is reserved for later trimesters when the baby is pressing on the bladder. However, this is actually false. An uptick in the number of times you find yourself running to the restroom can happen very early in a pregnancy. Your body has a greater volume of blood which requires your kidneys to work extra hard. Some of this extra fluid processed by the kidneys will move to your bladder.

Tender Breasts

As you’ve already seen, the volume of hormones in your body increases rapidly during the early phase of your pregnancy. Breasts are likely to feel a bit more tender and sensitive during the first few weeks of your pregnancy as your body attempts to get used to these changes in chemistry. For some women, this is a lasting symptom, but it fades to the background for others as the pregnancy goes on.  

Contact Your Doctor Early

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms and think you might be pregnant, it’s crucial to contact your doctor early. A Hamilton pregnancy clinic states, “Early prenatal care is essential to the health of the baby.”