Ten Things to Include in Your Home Buying Checklist in Canada

Ten Things to Include in Your Home Buying Checklist in Canada

Have you started the process of looking at houses for sale? Buying a home is a huge accomplishment. It’s also a big financial decision, which is why it’s so important to do your due diligence before signing on the dotted line. Not sure where to start?

Here are ten things to include on your checklist when viewing a home:

  1. Location

Location is everything when it comes to finding the perfect home. After all, you’ll want to be close to the things that matter most to you. If you have a family, you’ll want to be near good schools and parks.

If you rely on public transit, you’ll need to be close to a bus or train station. And if you like to be able to walk to get your groceries or go out for a night on the town, you’ll want to find a home in a vibrant neighbourhood.

  1. The State of the Exterior

Once you’ve determined that you like the location, it’s time to take a closer look at the home itself. Start by evaluating the state of the exterior. Are there any cracks in the foundation? Is the roof in good condition?

What about the gutters and downspouts? All of these things should be taken into consideration before making an offer on a property.

In addition, it’s important to walk around the perimeter of the property to see if there are any signs of landscaping issues, such as overgrown shrubs or large trees that could potentially cause damage to the home.

  1. Size Matters

Size is an important factor to consider when looking at houses for sale. You’ll want to make sure that there is enough space for your belongings and that you’ll be comfortable in the rooms.

Bedrooms and bathrooms are especially important to think about. You’ll need to decide how many bedrooms and bathrooms you need and whether you’re comfortable with the size of the rooms.

Storage space is also important. You’ll want to have enough space for all your belongings and make sure that you can keep everything organized.

  1. The Condition of the Interior

Once you’ve found a home that’s the right size for your needs, it’s time to take a close look at its condition. Water stains on the ceiling, mould or mildew growth, cracks in the walls or floors; any of these issues can be expensive to repair.

It’s important to thoroughly inspect each room and to factor in the cost of any necessary repairs when considering how much to offer.

  1. The State of the Appliances

Appliances are an important part of any home, and you’ll want to be sure that they are all in good working order. Check for signs of wear and tear and be sure to ask about the energy efficiency of the appliances. You’ll also want to make sure that the appliances included in the sale meet your needs.

  1. The Condition of the Plumbing

Plumbing is one of the most important systems in a house, and yet it is often one of the most neglected. A properly functioning plumbing system is essential for long-term comfort and convenience, but many homeowners only think about their plumbing when there is a problem.

To avoid major headaches (and expenses) down the road, it is important to have a professional inspect the plumbing system on a regular basis.

  1. The Condition of the Electrical System

While most people focus on the condition of the plumbing when buying a home, it’s also important to pay attention to the electrical system. Outdated or overloaded circuits can be a serious fire hazard, so it’s important to make sure that everything is up to code.

If you’re not sure how to evaluate the electrical system, it’s a good idea to hire an inspector who can give you a professional opinion. Once you know what needs to be updated, you can work with the seller to ensure that the repairs are made before you move in.

  1. The HVAC System

Another important factor to consider is the condition of the home’s HVAC system. Are there any signs of rust or freon leaks? Do you need to replace any air filters? What about the ductwork; is it clean and free of debris? Be sure to ask these questions before making an offer.

  1. Pest Control

Before making an offer on a property, it is important to check for the presence of pests. Visible evidence of cockroaches, mice, or rats can be a sign that the property is infested with pests.

Also, check for the presence of insects such as termites, ants, fleas, or bedbugs. These insects can cause extensive damage to a property and are difficult to control once they are established.

  1. The Bottomline

Before making an offer on a property, be sure to carefully consider all of the above factors. These little things can make a large difference in your day-to-day life, so it’s important to cover all bases before moving forward with the purchase of a new home. If you are not confident enough, contact a professional local realtor like Loyal Homes who can help guide you through your checklist.