Wednesday, January 29, 2025

5 Secrets that will help you pass your MOT

5 Secrets that will help you pass your MOT

Do you envy those people who always seem to sail through their MOT tests without any issues? Did you realise that you can join them, without having to take a class in mechanics or mechanical engineering? If you are a frequent driver, driving in busy areas like London or nearby such as Oxford , Buckinghamshire or even Essex for that matter. You should know you can be penalized by motoring authorities for not having an updated MOT certificate.

Here are five secrets that will help you pass your MOT.


Oddly enough, lights seem to be a secret when it comes to MOT passes. Fails from light issues, whether these are headlights, rear lights, brake lights or even internal lights or dashboard warning lights, make up a staggering 30 percent of all MOT fails, making it the most common reason for a fail. Considering that all lights are designed to have their bulbs changed, and that light bulbs cost just a few pounds – even in today’s economy – it seems foolish that so many people aren’t aware of this issue! In the run-up to your test, work with a companion to test and check your lights, one at a time, making sure they light promptly and evenly if they are paired.


Again, this seems like it should be a no-brainer, but as many as 10 percent of MOT fails are down to tyre issues. There are several aspects of your tyre that you should check out, which could be the reason for the relatively high rate of failed MOTs attributed to tyres, so make sure you check all of these before taking your car in for its MOT test.

  • Tyre Pressure: Tyres legally must be inflated to within the recommended range to gain a pass at MOT. This is because modern tyres work at their best when correctly inflated – as might be expected from a piece of precision engineering.
  • Tread Depth: Legally, your tyres should have a minimum of 1.6mm covering the middle three quarters of the contact surface for roadworthiness, but for extra safety, and to ensure you have time to replace the tyres before they become a liability, many mechanics recommend not allowing your tread depth to fall below 3mm anywhere on the contact surface.
  • Other: Other tyre related issues that should be looked into before booking your MOT include having the same type of tyres on all the wheels, and ensuring that they are in good general condition with no signs of visible damage, distortion or excess wear.


An unserviced car can easily prove itself to have a host of small, but significant, problems with it. Having your service immediately before your MOT is a great way to be sure that every potential issue is examined and checked to make sure your car will sail through its imminent MOT. Furthermore, in order for booking your MOT in Beaconsfield, you can check with Broadway Autocentre for all the services they offer.

Driver’s View

Another surprising contender for a considerable amount of MOT fails is that of the driver’s view being obscured. This can include mirrors being missing or broken – or simply positioned in such a way that it is clear that they will not help the driver in any significant way – as well as dirty windows and windscreens, and clutter in the back of the car, rising high enough to obscure the driver’s field of vision.


If your brakes work well enough for your average daily commute, you might not even be aware that they are not working well enough to protect you should you need to perform an emergency stop one day – and that will be enough for a failed MOT. Find a clear place where you can drive: a deserted car park is ideal – and test your brakes thoroughly. Any issues you find should be fixed before you take your car in for its MOT.

There you have five surprising secrets about how to get yourself through your MOT without problem. Most are common sense and a little forethought will soon ensure that you, too, sail through your MOT, becoming the envy of those who know you!