Shiba Inu Doggy DAO Announced And HUH Token Surpassed 15,000 Wallet Holders

Shiba Inu Doggy DAO Announced And HUH Token Surpassed 15,000 Wallet Holders

Shiba Inu has released information on its upcoming DAO project as the canine meme token expands its identity in the crypto world. While HUH Token is already surpassing expectations and has over 15,000 wallet holders, its popularity is beginning to increase.

Furthermore, Shiba Inu and HUH Token continue to show that despite the downwards trend of the cryptocurrency market after Bitcoin’s dip, there are no signs of projects slowing down their development plans.

Shiba Inu took the cryptocurrency market by storm in 2021, demonstrating some of the returns that crypto can make the everyday investor without much capital. This event turned many people into millionaires by purchasing around $1000 of SHIB.

Since its all-time high, Shiba Inu has lost much of its higher market price. Nevertheless, the influx of money ignited their community and they have announced a variety of further updates since then.

The latest of these updates for Shiba Inu is their plan to release a DAO to relinquish control to the Shiba Inu community further. A DAO is a decentralised autonomous organisation, and this will allow community members to make decisions regarding Shiba Inu’s token SHIB.

The beta version will be available soon, allowing users to pool resources and vote on actions to be taken regarding SHIB. This is the first stage of Shiba Inu’s DAO project as they then wish to release a new DAO, allowing members to make proposals for the community to respond. They have also noted that whales will not control their system as there will be ‘guardians’ for these wallets.

HUH Token is a relatively new cryptocurrency that is hoping to replicate the performance of Shiba Inu from last year. HUH Token had a solid start to their cryptocurrency journey and saw a 4500% increase in value not long after becoming available to the public on PancakeSwap.

HUH Token has recently surpassed 15,000 wallet holders and shows no signs of slowing down. The wallet holders continue to increase because of the functionality of HUH Token.

The token is designed to create wealth over time using a combination of its unique referral system that also produces BNB and static reflection.

Upon achieving a Shiba Inu level of trading volume, many wallet holders who have continued to hold their HUH Token will receive more tokens as trades continue.

This requires no effort on the user’s behalf. The only requirement is to have purchased HUH Token and have it in a wallet.

In addition to Static reflection, HUH Token provides Binance Coin to its wallet holders if they refer others. A wallet holder will receive 10% of that person’s first purchase as Binance Coin. Producing two different types of crypto assets for no cost is an excellent way to increase the overall value and decrease the risk of a portfolio.

 The Key Information

  • Shiba Inu has announced their DAO System
  • Shiba Inu will be releasing their DAO in stages
  • HUH Token has reached over 15,000 wallet holders
  • HUH Token utilises a unique referral system and static reflection to benefit long term holders.

Learn More About HUH Token Here:


HUH Official Swap:


