How Do You Use a Heavy Resistance Band?

How Do You Use a Heavy Resistance Band?

What Do We Understand by a Resistance Band?

A resistance band is a stretchable and elastic band that finds application in muscle and strength training. It offers a pre-specified degree or amount of resistance when the user exerts a pull on the equipment. In turn, it allows the muscles to enlarge and stretch, helping in building their mass and power.

The concept and application of resistance bands originated for the first time in 1990. At that time, it found use in physiotherapy. In recent times, a resistance band gets used for physical therapy and workout regimes. It is primarily because these pieces of equipment serve as an efficient and effective measure to build muscles and tone down the body mass.

Resistance bands target various body parts and help provide additional intensity and pressure to other exercises. It consists of the shoulders, chest, thighs, arms, etc. Overall, a resistance band allows the body to focus on flexibility, rehabilitation, and control when working out.

What are the Various Types and Categories of Resistance Bands?

A resistance band can get classified into different and distinct categories based on the level or extent of resistance it provides. In other words, the tension offered by each differ. They come denoted in varying color codes.

According to the resistance level offered, a resistance band can be of the following types:

  • Light Resistance Bands

A light resistance band provides a resistance ranging between 2.5 kilograms to 3.5 kilograms. They get used predominately by beginners, patients, and the elderly. These pieces of training equipment offer an exceptionally light resistance that is suitable for casual muscle workouts.

A light resistance band gets denoted by yellow color.

  • Medium Resistance Bands

A medium resistance band provides a resistance level ranging between 3.5 kilograms to 5.5 kilograms. It is a suitable choice for those who have been at least a bit adept at working out by themselves. Overall, it serves as an all-around option for strength and muscle-building training.

A medium resistance band gets denoted by green color.

  • Heavy Resistance Bands

A heavy resistance band lies at a level higher than its medium counterparts. It offers a resistance of 6 kilograms or even more. Such training equipment works the best for individuals who work out actively and regularly. On top of that, they turn out to be an appropriate choice for people looking to increase their muscle strength, mass, and endurance.

A heavy resistance band gets denoted by blue color.

  • Extra-Heavy Resistance Bands

An extra-heavy resistance band gets reserved for experienced users in general cases and circumstances. They provide a resistance level of 13 kilograms. They should get used solely by individuals who have a particular muscle mass and strength.

An extra-heavy resistance band gets denoted by black color.

What are the Appropriate Ways and Methods to Use a Heavy Resistance Band?

A heavy resistance band works impeccably to offer a free motion range, variable speed options, and progressive resistance. For that reason, they can get used to various exercises. However, they must get used carefully because of their high tension level. Otherwise, it can lead to irreparable injuries.

A few ways to use a heavy resistance band consist of the following:

  • External Rotation

In the external rotation exercise, one end of the heavy resistance band must get secured to any object at the user’s chest level. Then, the individual has to wrap the opposite end around their hand and hold it securely. After that, they need to place a thick material like a rolled towel. It has to be between the upper arm and the body to limit bodily movement.

The user has to start by moving their arm to the side and bending their elbow at a right angle to point it towards their anchor point. Then, they have to step sideways to generate resistance. This stance needs to get maintained for ten seconds and then returned to the original position. The exercise works for both arms.

  • Hip Flexor Lunge

The user needs to start by securely anchoring the heavy resistance band around a firm object. A pillar or a sturdy table is a suitable option. Next, they need to wrap the opposite end of the band around the upper portion of their thigh and move into a kneeling lunge position by stepping back using that leg. The lower half of the leg should rest flat on the floor. The other knee should remain at 90-degrees.

The exercise targets the thigh strength and muscles. The users would feel a pull that compels their legs to move forward and the hips to tighten. Maintaining the lunging pose for a few seconds, returning to the initial position, and repeating it for the other leg helps the thighs gain the required power.

  • Sitting Leg Press

In the sitting leg press exercise, the user needs to start the workout by sitting straight in a chair. Then, they need to wrap the middle section of the heavy resistance band around the base of their feet. After that, they need to extend that leg straight without bending it at any point. The other foot needs to get kept on the floor while bending it at a 90-degree angle.

The exercise continues with the toe pointing straight in front with the foot downwards. The user needs to extend their hips and knee while maintaining the position. It has to continue for a few seconds and then again from the starting position for the other leg.

  • Simple Stretch

The user has to start by sitting comfortably on the floor in a cross-legged pose. Their back has to be straight with their shoulders pulled back. Then, they have to take the heavy resistance band in both hands and hold it above their heads. Next, they need to extend it to the sides and create tension gradually. It serves as the starting position.

After that, the users have to use their abdominal strength to stretch and pull the resistance band further apart. It has to get maintained for five seconds.