Tips to score above ninety percent in Board exams

Tips to score above ninety percent in Board exams

When it comes to preparing for the board exams, the query regarding tips to score above ninety percent in board exams is one that most students are familiar with. It is not enough to just read up on these tips, but to actually implement them on schedule, for the boards. And that’s all the more reason as to why you may want to check these out and put it into practice before it’s too late. And the great thing about these tips is that even if you had started your preparations late, you can still use it and bump up your percentage. 

  • Check out the previous year question papers: When it comes to exam preparations, nearly all students know how essential it is to work with previous year question papers. That’s certainly true under the current circumstances, especially as the syllabus has been revamped and the assessment pattern has changed. Working on sample papers and previous years question papers should familiarize you with the pattern, level of difficulty and list out the troublesome areas that you need to focus on. But try and set them up like a mock test, so that you are familiar with exam conditions. And even if you do not have the time to attempt all the previous year papers, and sample papers, just go through them to check and see if you are familiar with the concepts listed. That’s why working on the previous year question papers and samples are a must for any student, be it the boards or even the civil services or just a mock test for online preparation.
  • Compete with yourself: If you are just starting your preparations by working on the sample and the previous year question papers, then you need to keep a careful record and track your progress in minute detail. You must be able to self assess yourself, and be able to gauge and see if your study sessions have improved your performance, vis-à-vis the boards. Just remember that all the subjects carry equal weightage, with the marks being split equally between them all. So no single subject takes predominance over others which is all the more reason that you need to focus on all of them equally.
  • Taking the road trip out of syllabus: As tempting as it may be, no matter what the crash course lists, it is always a mistake to wander away from your NCERT issued textbooks. Sure, checking out reference books in the quest to score higher marks is always good. But it can also be a mistake, especially as you run the risk of overloading yourself with too much information. So make it a point to stick with the NCERT issued syllabus.
  • Identify the weak areas: Soon, it will be February by which time; you would have attended several assessment tests which should allow you to gauge your weak areas. And this is a good opportunity as any other to clearly identify your weak areas, know more about what you need to focus on and ensure that you transform these weak areas into your strong ones.
  • Time management: Time management is the key to success in any competitive exam, including the board exam. More often than not, it is how well you manage your time efficiently that differentiates you from the 70 percentile and 80 percentile students. You need to study at least for eight hours each day, and ensure that you do not waste a minute of the same. The mantra for time management is to sleep less, work more and spend less in coaching classes but instead concentrate on self-study and sample papers.
  • Avoid all distractions: You are prepping for your boards and you need to take this seriously. Essentially, that means avoiding all distractions – from watching your favorite serial on the television to checking out your Facebook and other social media accounts. Typically, set aside a period of two to three months for exam preparations sans any distractions and enforce the same strictly.
  • Focus on languages: More often than not, students commit the cardinal sin of concentrating on just math, science, biology, history and other papers with the sole exception of their English and language papers. That’s a stupid mistake to commit on the part of the student for the simple reason that all subjects (including English and Language) are given equal weightage. So if you are able to perform exceptionally well in these papers, then you should focus more on them since scoring high can boost up your overall score.
  • Filthy answer sheets: Remember that you are aiming for the top 90% and every single markup will matter. And essentially that means you need to ensure that your papers are clean, not filthy and that your handwriting is impressive. Granted, it is all not going to happen in a single day, and that’s why you need to set aside some time, each day so that you can work on the same. A clean answer sheet, with clear, legible handwriting may be awarded an additional 5 marks. And that will matter, when you are aiming for the top 90%.
  • The day before the exam: Finally, it is the day before the exam. You have prepared to the best of your abilities, and it’s time for you to relax. Just take the day off, relax, quit obsessing about your exams, and do not even look at any online question bank. Just remember that you have done all you possibly could and that wasting this time by hitting the books again is not going to change anything. Just read a novel or watch a movie, but above all, relax and try to forget that you got your boards, the next day. And after a deep relaxed sleep, you should feel fresh, completely relaxed, and ready to hit the boards.