Tips For Setting Your Weight Loss Goals

Tips For Setting Your Weight Loss Goals

Achieving your objectives on just about everything entails the right mindset. It all starts with thinking about how you want to go about things to attain whatever you want. That’s how you acquire the discipline to start and keep going, which is necessary to motivate yourself to lose weight.

You’ll need to have enough motivation to reach your weight loss goals because it requires consistent work. Depending on how much you need to lose and your body type, it may take longer to reduce body weight. That’s where goal setting comes in, so you can track your progress and help you stay focused and motivated.

Planning out your approach to shedding weight is great for conditioning your mind to reach the finish line. It’s better because the outcome you desire becomes more realistic, which diminishes the possibility of self-sabotage. Read some tips for setting your weight loss goals to help you with your fitness journey here.

Think long-term

Weight loss isn’t just about the present but the future as well. After hitting your target weight, you have to maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI). So seeing the bigger picture is important in setting your weight loss goals.

There’s the possibility of regaining the weight you lost, and you have to make sure that doesn’t happen. Set diet and exercise plans that will help change your lifestyle to avoid regaining the weight you lost. Doing so will also change your life for the better.

You can go for medical weight loss and wellness programs to supervise and set your goals if you don’t know where to start. Programs as such are dedicated to attaining long-term results.

Set attainable and realistic goals

Your thought process for setting weight-loss goals should stay in the realm of what’s possible. For your desired outcome to be realistic, your goals must be workable. It helps to avoid overworking yourself just to achieve the goal you set for yourself. Research weight loss surgery costs, if you are missing your goal.

To set attainable weight-loss goals, it has to meet the criteria of being specific, measurable, and time-limited. Your exercise routines have to have specific details. Your diet has to be measurable, and you have to set deadlines.

For example, you have to set how many calories you need in a day to have enough energy without consuming a lot. Measuring the servings you eat and drink can sometimes be a drag, but it’s more convenient because you know you’re on track with what you have to do. Furthermore, smaller goals are more realistic, so you can choose to start with those for your weight loss journey.

Embrace the process

As mentioned at the beginning, weight loss requires consistent work. You have to come in with the mindset of knowing that. It’s a process, and setting realistic goals will help you stay focused and motivated to go through it.

That’s why you also need to focus on the process goals aside from the outcome goals. An outcome goal is what you hope to achieve (to lose a certain amount of weight). In contrast, the process goal is the necessary step required to achieve that outcome.

Focusing on process goals helps greatly, especially in the long term, because it changes the behaviors and habits needed to lose weight.

Leave a margin for errors

When you’re on a path to weight loss, you undergo behavioral changes to meet your ideal weight. Experiencing setbacks during a process of behavioral change is normal. Hence, allowing yourself to have them is a must.

If you don’t allow for setbacks and set your expectations high, it’ll take a toll on yourself. You must keep in mind that what you’re trying to achieve requires going through a process and that you’re bound to stumble at times. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t recover and do better the next time.

Expect that mistakes and shortcomings will happen and find a way to deal with them. It’ll help you stay on course or get back on track should you experience setbacks. Also, be open to adjusting your goals if you find yourself stuck in a rut.


Setting weight loss goals will make the process more doable and the outcome realizable. It’ll help you focus when you need to and set your mind on your tasks. So list down your objectives and work diligently towards each of them to attain the ultimate goal, which is your ideal weight.

Image source: iStockphoto