Falfa launches service to help people access local Financial Advice

The principles of personal finance are ageless. Spend less than you have coming in. Plan and prepare for all possibilities. Work to live, don’t live to work. These core principles are so important that the ancient Greeks and Romans held on to them too.
Financial Advice can take the burden and worry away and replace it with peace of mind and control. Getting professional advice can be invaluable. So how do you know which adviser is right for you? How do you find the best suited adviser to best meet your own specific needs?
You browse online and talk to friends and family and the conclusion: they all appear to look and sound the same. Tim and Olivia founded Find a Local Financial Adviser or Falfa in short to help solve this problem. Falfa is an independent firm to help those looking for local Financial Advice.
According to Tim: “from our experience of working in the industry and being a client, there are various challenges for those seeking a local financial adviser, in particular the lack of transparent information”.
For a significant majority, the search for a financial adviser begins online. Olivia states “our mission is to provide individuals, families and businesses with a fast and free method of finding the right adviser based on their own personal circumstances”
How it works: think of Falfa as a mortgage broker for Financial Advice.
- Simply fill in your details on the short website survey and one of Falfa’s experts will be in touch within 24 hours.
- They will call you to discuss your questionnaire answers before matching you to at least two suitable advisers to help meet your specific needs and goals.
- You can then be in control of who you chose to be your trusted local Financial Adviser from the experts recommended.
The service looks to save you time and money and will act as a guide throughout the process of choosing an adviser. The firms they work with offer a commitment to provide best practice and best-value service.