A Working Solution To A Remote Problem
For many of us, the dream of working from home has turned into a nightmare.
There are many reasons for this. They include the inability to find the right work/life balance, inconvenient workspaces and office furniture that’s just not right.
Hertfordshire-based furniture company Pith & Stem is aiming to fix these issues, with their new product, DropTop.

Made using sustainable materials, it might just be the solution we have all been waiting for. It is a fully-integrated, plug-and-play ready, wall mounted workstation.
It comprises of two sleek and stylish panels, which can be put away at the end of the work day and has DisplayLink Technology, USB charging connectivity and full HD monitors. It is a workstation designed to solve the problems of modern remote working. Phil & Stem CEO, Stefan Husanu discussed this point.
He said: “Working from home comes with many environmental, social and economic benefits. Nonetheless,many people have come to dislike it over the past year, even though it was once their dream! Factors behind this include it being uncomfortable, the lack of correct tools or workspace, and the inability to find that work-life balance.”

Mr Husano, who is also the designer of DropTop, added: “We can’t let these be an obstacle to something that has such a positive environmental impact, however. That’s why we created a home-working solution that fits everyspace and makes productivity fun, comfortable and stylish.”