Why study in Australia? 10 reasons for you

Why study in Australia? 10 reasons for you

Studying abroad has always been your dream? Then you absolutely have to achieve it: it is a wonderful and unique experience and all students should do it at least once in their life. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to increase your cultural baggage, to meet new cultures and learn the language of the country where you will live. In fact you can also decide to study English abroad if you still have the right linguistic level for academic studies!

I bet it has been a while since you are considering the idea but maybe you still don’t know what study destination to choose. Have you ever thought about studying in Australia? In this article we want to give you 10 good reasons why you should choose this land for your studies abroad. Let’s start now!

Reason 1: Australian universities are excellent

Lots of international students choose to study in Australia to make a career. This is because Australian universities are among the most prestigious universities in the world: choosing Australia as a destination for your studies you can have a wide choice of the public and private ones.

According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the academic ranking of world universities, among the fifty best universities in the world five are Australian:

  • Australian National University
  • The University of Melbourne
  • The University of Sydney
  • UNSW Sydney
  • University of Queensland

In order to study in one of these universities you must first get a student visa. The Student Visa Australia allows you to study and work in Australia and lasts the time you study more than 2 months additional after studies.

How much does it cost to study in Australia at university?

The costs of enrollment to Australian universities are far from low. The annual line of a university course ranges from 20,000 to 40,000 dollars a year. However, that this is an investment for your future.

Also remember that for enrollment in one of these or other Australian universities you will have to have a high level of English, so as not to have problems following the courses and difficulties in the study. The requested level is an IELTS Academic, which you will have to exceed with a score of 6.5 (at a general level). Don’t be discouraged! You can follow an English course abroad that will train you to the university career. Read the “Study English abroad” page!

If you want to apply for any university in Australia, you can go to CatEight.com to find the right university and course to apply for. 

Reason 2: Studying English in Australia is fantastic

Another good reason why you should move to Australia is that you can learn and study English. Australia is an English-speaking country, you will have the way to practice the language every day with the inhabitants of the place. On the other hand, you know: As for the learning of foreign languages, practice is the best existing school in the world! 

The advice we give you is to go and live with foreign students, if your goal is precisely to learn the language. If this were not enough, you can subscribe to an English course. You will have the opportunity to choose between numerous existing offers based on your level of departure and your needs.

Reason 3: Multiculturality in Australia is a value

Australia is considered as one of the most multicultural and welcoming countries in the world. Just think that different cultures and ethnicities from Great Britain, New Zealand, China, as well as India and South Africa. You will have a way to experience the multiculturality of this extraordinary land every day and everywhere: at school, at work, in cities and in the premises.

Multiculturalism in Australia is considered as a real value. This is also demonstrated by the fact that Australians participate with enthusiasm at the parties of other cultures present in the territory. For example, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by Chinese immigrants but from all the inhabitants of the place. Living in contact with people from all parts of the world will allow you to enrich your cultural baggage and make a personal growth course. You can taste food of different cultures and ethnicities, and why not? Maybe even learn some new languages, besides English.

Reason 4: The quality of life in Australia is among the best in the world

The thing that unites this choice is certainly the fact that the quality of life in Australia is considered by everyone one of the best in the world. It is for several reasons:

For the numerous job opportunities that the country offers: the unemployment rate in Australia is among the lowest worldwide.

For the excellence of the school system and its universities.

For the numerous services offered by its modern and cutting-edge cities.

For the beautiful landscapes of unspoiled nature.

For health, assistance and reception.

If you decide to move to this country you will have a way to do other various activities: you can for example go out into the pubs with friends, go to the gym or to the park to jogging.

Reason 5: you can work and study simultaneously

If you decide to move to this nation you can have the opportunity to study and work simultaneously. Australia is in fact a country full of job opportunities, even for students. For example, with the Student Visa you have the opportunity to carry out part-time work of 40 hours every 15 days. In this way you will have the time to study and attend the lessons of your courses, but you will also have a way to set up money to pay food / accommodation.

Reason 6: Australian cities are beautiful and avant-garde

Australian cities are known to be among the most advanced in the world, for their beauty and their famous and authoritative architecture.Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne are just some of these cities where you can choose to live.

In the Australian cities you can take advantage of all the services given by living in modern cities but at the same time, you will not have to give up a nice walk to the open air and in contact with nature. In fact, you can find numerous green spaces and parks where you can relax and stay away from stress and urban chaos.

Reason 7: Australia is a land rich in history, art and culture

Australia is a very ancient land, rich in history and traditions. The aboriginal population represents a distinctive trait of the country. Its culture is based fundamentally on the deep respect for nature, I am waiting for you to find it even in its art. If the art and history you will be passionate about you can visit several museums and city galleries where you can learn something more about the origins, the life and culture of this people.

Among the most important museums and paths that you can visit we point out:

Koorie Heritage Trust in Melbourne: the museum entirely dedicated to the aboriginal culture and the myth of the tribes of southern Australia.

Carnarvon Gorge (or Carnarvon Gorge): Located in Queensland on Capricorn Coast. The site, considered one of the most suggestive of Australia, is characterized by numerous and suggestive roof paintings.

Dampier Peninsula: a suggestive path located in Western Australia. Where you can admire and find out how numerous survivors of the Aboriginal people live, still divided into tribes.

Reason 8: pristine landscapes and beautiful Australian coasts

Australia is also rich in natural landscapes characterized by rare species of flora and fauna, thousands of hectares of parks and miles of coasts from crystalline backdrops. If you are a lover of the animals you can admire Koala, Kangaroos, Pelicans and Penguins on the island of the Kangaroos located off the southern Australia.

If you are lover of wild nature you will be spoiled for choice. You can make a thousand excursions in the hinterland of the Gold Coast, both on foot and by car, or visit the Australian rainforests belonging to the World Heritage Site.

Australia has kilometers of coasts from the crystal clear sea where you can dive into its wonderful seabed, watch surf races and, if you are a fearful and courageous, you could also get on a surfboard And decide to ride the waves.

Reason 9: the countless activities you can do in your free time

If you arrived to read here, you will understand that, if you decide to move to Australia, you will not only have to study. You will have a way to perform different activities during your free time. First of all, being in a foreign country, on the weekend you can organize trips outside your host city. You could visit more metropolis, go to the beach, sports, visit museums and art galleries and discover the wild nature of this land.

But be careful: if you decide to organize trips, the distances you will have to travel may not be short and the costs of movement may not be contained.

However, to remedy this problem you could organize trips with your classmates or with a group of friends. In addition to being more convenient, it could also be more fun and safe.

Reason 10: food

Finally, tasting and eating the typical Australia food seems to be a great reason to decide to move to the nation. First of all, tasting the kitchen and typical dishes of the place you can get to know the culture of its people. The food has always been considered a moment of special sharing. It could be fun to cook Italian food to your friends and learn from them some recipes of their kitchen.

The first substantial difference you will find it in the morning. If you are used to the hot cappuccino and the croissant, you forget your old habits. The traditional Australian breakfast is in fact characterized by eggs and bacon and as an alternative you can also find vegetables like mushrooms and spinach.

In Australia you will eat a lot of fish. Among the most cooked and typical fish of the town there are the Barramundi and the Salmon of Tasmania.

Another typical Australian dessert is the Pavlova. It is a meringue totally covered with whipped cream and every kind of seasonal fruit.


If you were not sure before reading this article you should choose Australia as a destination for your studies, we are sure that you are now considering the idea. And there are many reasons why you should.