Digital Marketing Agency, Finsbury Media Launches Fundraiser Supporting Young Girl’s Recovery

This last year has shown us how much we need to be there for each other and that’s what drove the Digital Marketing Agency Finsbury Media to announce its efforts in supporting a young girl’s journey through Constraint Induced Movement Therapy. “As soon as we heard Jasmine’s story, we knew we had to have an impact on her recovery” said Finsbury Media’s Operations Manager.
That young girl is Jasmine and in 2017 shortly after Jasmine was born, she had suffered a life-threatening stroke, resulting in 50% of her brain being damaged. She spent five days on life support at Southampton General Hospital. Her parents told by medical professionals that she may never be able to walk or talk and to anticipate learning difficulties. Against all odds, Jasmine has proved that theory wrong, having progressed incredibly. This determined little girl walks well and speaks beautifully.
Behind the scenes there is daily physio and occupational therapy to encourage the use of her right hand, maintaining it as a functional hand. She has very little strength and control over her right hand however with CIMT therapy she will hopefully be able to develop strength and use her right hand successfully.
CIMT or Constraint Induced Movement Therapy comes at a costly price. It costs £5,000 for a 3-week course at the recommended Essex Clinic, and this treatment could be life changing for Jasmine.
Finsbury Media, a Digital Marketing Agency skilled in Social Media Ads, PPC Management and SEO Services; wants to use its marketing ability online, to promote a good cause and kick off a fundraising campaign for Jasmine and her family.
When asked about the decision to endorse the fundraising, Finsbury Media’s Operations Manager explained “We’ve always believed that the purpose of our business was to deliver a meaningful impact; we are always finding new ways to add value and impact local business, our team and the community…we launch effective marketing campaigns daily, so we knew we could have an impact with an effective online fundraising campaign.”
How else would someone create an inspiring and engaging virtual campaign during this era of social distancing? Finsbury Media is no stranger to website design, social media advertising or getting something noticed online; it’s what they have been doing for the last six years. They are currently soliciting donations online and raising awareness for Jasmine’s recovery.
For more information on Jasmine and contributions please visit: