Grand Theft Auto V Tips According to Matthew Keezer

Grand Theft Auto V Tips According to Matthew Keezer

Matthew Keezer weighs in on GTA V. Even before it was released, Grand Theft Auto V won an award. In 2012, GTA V was named the most anticipated game of the year. And, of course, shortly after its release in 2013, GTA V was named the game of the year. But, Grand Theft Auto V didn’t stop there; there were a few more awards over the years, such as the British Academy Games Award for Multiplayer and VGX Award for Best Soundtrack.

Matthew Keezer, the CEO of Orion Immersion, a young gaming company that is on a quest to build the NextGen MMO Games, got his hand on GTA V the very same day the game was released. Now, almost eight years later, he still starts the game from time to time to enjoy the incredible multiplayer experience.

Matthew Keezer shares his Grand Theft Auto V tips that both new and old players can use to maximize their gaming experience.

1.      Buy a Physical Copy

Grand Theft Auto V can be purchased quickly and easily using online gaming platforms such as Steam or Epic Games. However, none of these game versions come with the big fold-out, two-sided map of Los Santos and Blaine County included in a boxed copy.

Not only is the map a neat collectible for video game aficionados, but it can also be very useful. For example, on a string of side quests requires the player to figure out the locations shot in overhead, satellite “photographs.” This task is much more easily completed with a nice big map.

2.      Finding Missed On-Screen Tips

All Grand Theft Auto games feature tutorial help messages that constantly pop up in the corner of your screen. Even though they contain valuable tips, they tend to quickly disappear. Good news about GTA V is that you can find all recent notifications in the pause menu. Simply pause the game and choose “Brief,” then “Help,” and “Notifications.”

3.      Switch Characters Frequently

Sometimes, players may notice that they are running out of missions to do. However, the catch is to switch characters. Sometimes, important missions can be triggered only when the player changes to another character. Luckily, the character-switches are swift, and they always show cool transitional sequences.

4.      Pay Attention to Stock Tips

If there is one thing that is easy to do in GTA V, it is making money. But, in addition to earning money from missions, players can also buy and sell stock. Many players miss out on the game’s numerous hints and prompts regarding the value of stock in both markets. Matthew Keezer recommends listening to the game’s radio news that often mention the highs and lows of various companies.

5.      Reply to Emails

When playing GTA V, Franklin, Michael, and Trevor will frequently receive texts and emails. Players can actually reply to emails. It is not possible to choose the reply; there is only one reply option. Even though doing this might seem meaningless, Matthew points out that it is quite a useful touch for fully immersing in the lives of the game characters.

6.      Listen to Conversations

In GTA V, characters like to talk. And, some random characters players meet on the street sometimes have much more lines than expected. Matthew recommends players to stop and listen to conversations whenever they hear them in the game world. Sometimes, the conversations can go really far.

7.      Complete Dom’s Side Quests

GTA V has many side quests, and all of them are interesting. Most of the strangers and freaks missions are well worth doing. However, in Matthew Keezer’s opinion, the most interesting side quests are related to a character named Dom. Apparently, Dom’s tasks make the player do some of the most extreme things in the game.

8.      Meet the Same Characters as Different People

Players can get in the groove of visiting certain characters as Trevor, Michael, or Franklin. However, what many don’t notice is that some mission-givers can be introduced to different characters. Some of the side quest folks will dole out one mission per lead character. These are some of the most exciting tasks in the game because they show the players how differently the three leads react to the same people.

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