6 easy home improvement ideas to keep yourself busy through the lockdown

6 easy home improvement ideas to keep yourself busy through the lockdown

During the past year, we have been thrust headfirst into different lockdowns and working from home, having to spend more time than ever at home. This meant that people in the UK spent more time doing household jobs, such as gardening and DIY. 

If you have been caught up in the lockdown DIY trend, you might have run out of ideas by now. If you are looking to start your home improvement journey or are looking for some fresh ideas to keep you busy through lockdown, here are 6 easy home improvement ideas. 

1. Switch up your lighting 

Being in the same house all day everyday can get boring, so why not switch up your lighting. The lighting in your home can completely change the atmosphere and the mood you want to achieve. Warm white lighting can be welcoming, bright lights are awakening, and you can even get mood lighting for the bedroom.

Consider all your options, from colour changing LED strip lighting to a new lampshade. Take a look at everything that is out there on offer, whether it is simple or complex, free standing or fitted- you can find table lamps, here

2. Create an outdoor haven 

Going outside during the pandemic can feel a bit anxiety inducing, but we have to make sure we get regular fresh air for the benefit of our physical and mental health. As well as our government approved daily exercise, why not create your own haven in your back garden.

Having your own quiet space outside can allow you to get fresh air without the fear of being around other people. It also gives you a change of scenery, a place to relax after a hard day’s working from home. 

3. Redo your home office 

Speaking of working from home, why not invest a little time doing up your home office. Working from home can make it hard to separate your work time from your play time. This is why it is good to have a home office so that work can stay in one room, and when you walk out of that room you can find the headspace to relax. 

4. Make a statement wall 

If you want to make a small change with the most impact, consider a statement wall. This could be achieved by painting one wall in your neutral-coloured room a bright colour or wallpapering with a funky pattern.

5. Have a clear out 

Wanting something that feels a little more productive? Have a good clear out. After all, it is about time for your spring clean!

6. Try something new 

What is more appropriate for this unprecedented time than trying something new. While no one is allowed to come and visit, this is the perfect time to experiment with things you have always wanted to try but never dared. Try that eccentric wallpaper, buy that funky rug. Let your creativity flow and go all out on your home improvements to keep yourself busy through the latest lockdown.