LocaGames, aiming free localization services for game creators, announces its Service model

Global indie game marketplace: “LocaGames” translates indie games without the expense of creators, launches Crowdfunding Campaign on Kickstarter.
Tokyo, Japan: Adventures Inc. today reveals the LocaGames scheme, for the first time. Today officially launches its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.
LocaGames is a global indie game marketplace. Game creators can freely sell their games. No initial fee or monthly usage fee is required. As a significant feature, LocaGames translates indie games at no cost from the creator side. LocaGames will bear the cost, localize it, distribute it, and supply it to overseas gamers. As an initial phase, most of the games will come from Japan. The supported languages will start from Japanese and English, then will be expanded to Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian, German etc. in the future.
Unlike commercial games, indie games in Japan are not expanded overseas. There are several possible reasons.
● Due to the high cost of localization, there is a large psychological and financial burden to order to a translation agency.
● Even if it is localized, it is difficult to do marketing and support in a foreign language by yourself without knowledge.
● Indies are positioned as a hobby, and creators can hardly make money by selling them.
● Creators are developers, not marketers or PR people.
The purpose of the service is to let game creators make enough money from their work. LocaGames will support them by undertaking the cost and effort of localization and PR, to spread their work and earn profits without burdening them.
Once the creator passed the “Official Support Program”, you can get localization and a lot of promotion support without initial cost.
Support included
● Promotion
● Listing on other platforms etc.
● Multilingual support
Media Contact Details
Yuri Tamai, Adventures Inc.
Tokyo, Japan