Ideas for your 2021 side-hustle

Ideas for your 2021 side-hustle

While 2020 posed numerous emotional, physical and financial challenges to us all, many creative thinkers seized the opportunity to start their own businesses and side hustles.
Now that the New Year is here, it’s time to start thinking about how you can creatively increase your income. There are many things that you can try. Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time or resources to do. 

Here are some side hustle ideas you can do to easily boost your income. 

  • Set up an E-commerce selling your homemade goods 

 For creative types who are into crafts, there’s a lot of potential money that can be made from this. Maybe you like making clothes, jewellery, candles, painting, art, artisan bakes– your hobby could easily become a steady revenue stream. 

Of course, there’s a lot more to running a successful e-commerce other than producing quality goods. Such as importation laws to different parts of the world, as well as managing your shipping bids. Where will you sell your goods? Will you use popular e commerce websites, facebook marketplace, or using your own social media platform?  In addition, you’ll want to consider the costs of materials, postage, and most importantly your time. 

Once you have all of this in place and you make the time to produce the goods, there is potential to have a pretty steady income from your hobby! 

  • Start Blogging

Blogs are an excellent way to generate extra income on the side. You will also have the opportunity to express yourself creatively about the things that interest you in particular. 

Blogs create a space for you to write about just about anything. From beauty to business and from gaming to parenting. These particular niche topics are the areas that are typically more reachable by wider audiences, and will, therefore help to bring in further income. 

The money comes from Pay Per Click advertising and the use of affiliate links within your posts. Blog about the goings on in the world and you have a greater chance of searchers finding your blog. The more people who read your blog, the greater the income potential. 

  • Become a virtual assistant 

Virtual assistants, or VAs are typically self-employed contracted assistants for small and medium businesses who need additional help to start and maintain their businesses without having to pay for full-time staff. 

As a VA, you will typically manage emails, telephone calls, diaries, and some of the marketing for the business. If you have other skills such as graphic design this will prove useful to business owners and therefore, give you a higher standing in this increasingly competitive area. 

There are many ways that you can bring in extra income through your side-hustle. The harder you work, the greater the chance of reaping the benefits. Play into your strengths and talents and the whole process will become wholly more enjoyable. 

However, make sure you give yourself to rest and unwind so you don’t risk burning the candle at both ends.