Saturday, February 22, 2025

Best Chess Traps According To Anatoly Machulsky To Win The Game

Best Chess Traps According To Anatoly Machulsky To Win The Game

“In chess, there are specific strategies that many chess players ignore, which allows the chess player who knows them to gain a significant advantage that is often decisive in a game, be it positional or material. We will show you the best chess cheats to win a game.” explains Anatoly Machulsky.

04 best chess traps to win:

These traps will help you gain a great advantage, which will help you checkmate the opponent’s king by using your strategies. We have the 04 best chess cheats for you that are defined by Anatoly Machulsky so you can apply them, but don’t tell anyone about them!

Deceptive gambit in the French defense:

The French defense begins with Black’s well-known e6 move to which White can react in different ways, in this case, we will see a small trap that can be applied when White decides to play the pawn advance variant.

The trap in question runs like this:

  1. e4, e6
  2. d4, d5

3 . e5, c5

  1. c3, Nc6
  2. Nf3, Qb6
  3. Bd3, cxd4 7. cxd4

Until now it seems as if White were giving away the pawn located on d4 since the knight could perfectly capture it so that later a change of knights would take place, let’s see what happens if this happens and what is the trap that White has prepared for black ones:

7… Nxd4?

  1. Nxd4, Qxd4 ??
  2. Bb5 +

As you will see, White makes an unexpected check to the black king while the white queen attacks the black queen on d3, there is no chance that it will be saved from the Qxd3 capture on the next move when the black king protects, so this game white wins it.

Checkmate pastor and its variants for material gain:

Shepherd checkmate is the type of checkmate that takes place in four moves and can be given by both white and black, however, although it is one of the fastest types of checkmate in chess, it also represents a risk to mobilize the lady so quick in the opening.

We recommend the use of this strategy only in the first levels of knowledge of chess and even with intermediate knowledge if all the variants that can come out of the main plot of this opening are well known. 

On this occasion we will mention one of them, that although it will not give you victory in 4 plays, it will obtain a positional and material advantage:

  1. e4, e5
  2. Ac4, Ac5
  3. Qh4, g6 (thus avoiding checkmate in 4.Qxf7 ++), this is where one of the variants of the shepherd mate begins to win material, although you cannot win with a checkmate on the fourth move, you will manage To win with several pieces of advantage, let’s see how it is done:
  4. Qxe5 + and White after Black’s response (Qe7 or Be7) immediately captures the h8 rook.

Double threat from the horse:

The knight is a compelling piece since it gives the possibility of attacking two pieces of more excellent value than it that are at a long distance between them. This movement is called “double threat”, and it is easy to develop.

A clear example of the development of this opening where Black ignored the apparent threat of the knight on c7, managing to not only capture a pawn but also to capture the rook after the king protects himself from the danger.

  1. e4, e5
  2. Ac4, Ac5
  3. Nf3, Nc6
  4. Nc3, Nf6
  5. Nb5, Qe7?
  6. Nxc7 +

In this way Black can bid farewell to his rook on a8 and, although the knight may be captured later, the material gain is evident.

Gambit Evans for an accurate attack on the black king:

Gambits are a material sacrifice of a pawn to achieve a later advantage, that is, you say goodbye to a pawn to gain a positional advantage and subsequent material advantage and even a victory by checkmate in a game.

In the Evans gambit, a pawn is sacrificed to invite the black bishop to position himself on a square where he will be threatened by another pawn, which will respond by retreating, with which White takes the opportunity to place his queen on b3 like the bishop on c1 on a3, aiming the bank artillery at the black king’s castling.