Microbiome and wellness analytics provider Biomesight target enterprise customers with Research-as-a-Service offering

Microbiome and wellness analytics provider Biomesight target enterprise customers with Research-as-a-Service offering

Now that Biomesight’s consumer offering is reaching maturity, they are starting to look beyond catering to the end consumer. Instead, they are looking to enter the lucrative enterprise research study microbiome analytics space – a new business area that is increasing in size, due to the ever-growing recognition of the importance of the microbiome in human health and the resulting influx of microbiome modulating products.

Many large life science companies are handling microbiome-based product validation studies in house. Biomesight plan to facilitate this process from start to publication – e.g. by recruiting suitable study participants from its global user base and offering before and after microbiome studies and related analytics. In addition to the typical microbiome analytics metrics used in research studies (e.g. those available through open-source tools like QIIME2 and DADA2 and it’s plugins), they would also use their existing integration to the Illumina BaseSpace API to make further bio-informatics applications available through the Biomesight platform. In addition, Biomesight’s own gut health scores and its carefully curated metabolite producer sections would also be made available as inputs to these studies.

Biomesight will initially develop its own machine learning models and will subsequently make these same tools available through its online platform to research projects. External projects would have the option to upload their datasets and do their own analytics using the web-based user interface. Alternatively, Biomesight can facilitate the project with participant recruitment, distributing the collection kit, participant questionnaires and handling the lab workflows.

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