Saturday, February 22, 2025

Belgium Ambulance Service Calls For urgent COVID Measures

Belgium Ambulance Service Calls For urgent COVID Measures

The Belgiun government’s reaction to Covid-19 has had its critics. 

Those who have issues point towards the country being in the midst of a second wave as proof that management of the virus wasn’t what it should have been. One key indicator here is the use of ambulances for Covid-19 support.

The numbers of ambulances being used for this purpose has increased dramatically, with NAAB Ambulance Service LLC stating that 70 percent of their ambulance transport being for Covid-19 cases at the moment.

Arnaud Franchini, CEO of NAAB Ambulance Service LLC, has expressed worry in regards to the current situation, pointing towards the needs for their services for other health issues.

A statement from this group also discussed hygiene protocols, staff burnout and worry for their service users as further reasons to change the current situation.

A statement from NAAB Ambulance Service LLC is calling for further regulation, stating: “A regulation of the medico-health vector, as is done everywhere in Europe, would at least have had the merit of better coordinating transport by attributing proven cases to certain ambulances, while ensuring the travel of people not affected by Covid – 19, via non-Covid ambulances carrying out only these transports.”

They believe that the lack of legislation in this area has caused massive issues, with the statement going on to read: “In Brussels, the capital of Europe, there is no legislation, no one knows what emergency or non-urgent medical transport is.”