Staycation Popularity Looks Like It’s Here to Stay

Staycation Popularity Looks Like It’s Here to Stay

With Covid-19 looking like it’s not going away any time soon the rise in staycations looks like it’s here to stay for the longer term. The better than average British weather, coupled with travel quarantine restrictions has meant that holidaymakers have decided to make the most of what Britain has to offer. With beautiful scenery and plenty of great holiday destinations, we can see why the trend is set to continue.

When Covid-19 hit the UK shores in March and the country went into full lockdown, there was no going anywhere, people wondered if they were ever going to get to leave their houses, let alone go on holiday. But as restrictions eased, it became apparent that travelling abroad was going to be more of a faff than it was worth. Many holidaymakers cancelled their trips and decided to book places in the UK instead. Away Resorts saw a 30% increase in bookings between April and July as people swapped planes, for some sun and sea here in the UK.

But what does the future look like for travel across the UK? One recent study found that up to 30% of travel agents are set to go bust in the coming weeks if demand doesn’t pick up, meaning there will be less choice regarding travel abroad. It therefore looks like the demand for travel in the UK is set to be here for at least the next 2 years and beyond.

It’s not all doom and gloom for foreign destinations. Holidaymaking has always been a cyclical industry and those that are prudent, will stem losses and now and weather the storm. You can expect much leaner operations to emerge as a result and an industry that is more focused on the customer, with unique experiences and better value. It may look rocky now, but better times lay ahead.