Footwear Charity Shoe Aid STEPS UP to footwear poverty this September

This September Shoe Aid will begin its month-long campaign to raise awareness about footwear poverty here in the UK and the rest of the world. We are calling this awareness campaign STEPTEMBER. In 2020 there are five Tuesdays in September each of these Tuesdays which we are calling SHOESDAYS we are asking everyone to raise awareness of footwear poverty. During these SHOESDAYS we are asking people to take part in wearing no shoes or odd shoes or something similar and creative which will focus on the importance of having ‘fit for purpose’ footwear. You can be as creative as you like, bake a cake in the shape of a shoe or lots of little cakes or biscuits in the shapes of shoes. Whatever creative idea you come up with what we are asking is for you to show your support for Shoe Aid as we tackle footwear poverty here in the UK and abroad.
From as little as a £3 donation, we can supply a suitable and fit for purpose piece of footwear to help someone to find a new job, for everyday general wear and use, to take part in sport or a pair of work boots to start a new job. Poverty is neither part-time full-time volunteer nor just a certain day of the week. In September, this year school children will return to school some of those children will not have a suitable fair of shoes to wear or a pair of trainers to take part in physical activity.
Shoe Aid is already STEPPING UP to help schools throughout the country provide suitable footwear for children whose families cannot afford school shoes for their child. Organising and taking part in events on a Tuesday in September will help Shoe Aid raise vital funds to combat footwear poverty. Our service is free, however, running Shoe Aid is not.
This September Shoe Aid is STEPPING UP to footwear property, will you STEP UP to, what will your event look like on a SHOESDAY in STEPTEMBER, contact for more details.