Alcohol 411 – Thing You Need To Know

Alcohol 411 – Thing You Need To Know

The Introduction

There are plenty of times when you realize that you’ve been chronically abusing alcohol. The symptoms related to alcohol addiction are all too evident.

Thus, if you have a hard time making decisions, get stressed easily, can’t feel good without having a drink, or function normally in your day-to-day routine, then you know that you have a drinking problem.

Now, it isn’t impossible to treat alcohol addiction. But, studies clearly show that the sooner the person seeks treatment, the better the chances of recovery.

Yet, when is it that you can be sure that you are drinking too much?

Excessive drinking, also called binge drinking, depends on the quantity a person consumes alcohol over the course of a week. Research shows that binge drinking for men occurs after five or more drinks on a single occasion. 

In women, it takes four or more drinks in a single evening for binge drinking to happen. It is a fact that many variables matter when it comes to the effects of alcohol on individuals. 

Hence, your weight, gender, what you have eaten, or even how much you’ve eaten, contribute to alcohol overdose. As a matter of fact, taking certain medications will also impact your ability to handle a few drinks.

However, a drinking problem does not arise overnight, so if you keep a wary eye on your loved ones, you’ll easily be able to detect if a person is heading in the direction of alcohol addiction.

Signs To Keep An Eye Out For Alcohol Overuse

  • Hungover every morning: If you consume moderate amounts of alcohol per day, it’s unlikely that you’re drinking excessively. And, if you’re waking up with a hangover every day, then you know that you are drinking too much alcohol.
  • Uneasiness: If you find anyone complaining, on a frequent basis, about their inability to relax or function properly without a drink, then you need to be wary whether this person is developing a drinking problem.
  • Memory lapses: When you find that you can’t seem to remember entire nights, meeting people, or even going to bed, especially after drinking, then you may be binge drinking.
  • Drinking and throwing up: If you throw up often after drinking, then you may have high blood alcohol levels, and that’s a sure sign of being drunk.
  • Signs of neglect in appearance: If you witness a steady decline in the physical appearance of an individual where they seem to be unperturbed about their hygiene or looks, but keep running off to the store to buy more alcohol, then you can be sure that they are addicted. 
  • Neglect of work and responsibilities: If a person is frequently calling in sick from work but regularly seen drinking, you know they are alcohol addicts. The same trend follows at home where the person avoids spending time with their family and friends.

In Conclusion

As mentioned earlier, abuse of alcohol has serious repercussions on the life of the one addicted as well as their family. And, it’s always easier to be cautious and prevent a problem, than curing it. 

However, there is no need to despair as alcohol addiction can be treated, even from your home. It’s not easy, but it can be done with the help of alcohol detox.