Saturday, February 22, 2025




Switching your walk for a Nordic Walk will turbo charge your calorie burn by 20%, say British Nordic Walking

Get Britain Nordic Walking for Better Health is a new campaign from British Nordic Walking aimed at using the sport to help tackle the UK’s obesity crisis and get everyone enjoying better health, especially those who want to give a calorie-burning boost to their daily walk.

With increasing the amount of exercise people take now a component of the UK government’s strategy to tackle obesity and to reduce vulnerability to COVID-19, Nordic Walking is ideal for everyone who wants an easy-to-learn and accessible form of activity.

Proven to burn around 20% more calories than normal walking, Nordic Walking is a safe way to get more “bang for your walking buck”. Even in a group walk, it is easy to maintain social distance.
In Nordic Walking, the active use of specially designed poles engages both the upper and lower body, enhancing your walking technique, to propel yourself forward. It gives you a highly effective all over workout that doesn’t feel like one. Nordic Walking is a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed in town centres or open countryside throughout the year.

Dr Catherine Hughes, CEO of British Nordic Walking, said, “When lockdown began in March, a daily walk became a favourite activity for many people, especially those who haven’t been keen exercisers in the past. Nordic Walking is a very effective and efficient way of boosting the effect of your walk by burning more calories in the same time. It is kind to your joints and has a low rate of perceived exertion which means that you don’t feel that you’re working as hard as you really are.”

Gareth Davies is a British Nordic Walking instructor and Master Personal Trainer based in Stafford who has led a team to the 2019 Nordic Walking World Cup. He said, “I am certain that Nordic Walking has a valuable part to play in achieving significant weight loss and have seen this many times with my own clients. One, Ben Carnes, was pre-diabetic when we met and struggled with his general mobility. After working with me for 18 months he had lost over thirteen stone, normalised his blood glucose levels and completed several British Nordic Walking Challenges.”

Ben Carnes, who is registered blind, added, “When I first met Gareth I could barely walk 200 yards, took painkillers just to be able to get up from my chair and was very conscious of not being able to keep up with others during fitness classes. Nordic Walking has played a powerful part in improving my health, fitness and confidence. It really is true what they say, Nordic Walking is for everyone. If you can walk, you can Nordic Walk.”

About British Nordic Walking
British Nordic Walking CIC is a community interest company that trains and supports Nordic Walking instructors and develops Nordic Walking throughout the UK.

It is part of the International Nordic Walking Federation (INWA) and trains instructors to use the original 10 Step Method of teaching Nordic Walking. This is the technique that has been used in the research that demonstrates the 20% increase in calorie burn over normal walking.

Dr Catherine Hughes is CEO of British Nordic Walking CIC, a national INWA instructor trainer, and maintains her own local Nordic Walking classes.

Gareth Davies is a British Nordic Walking instructor, Master Personal Trainer, GP Exercise Referral Instructor and Weight Management Specialist for Diabetes and Obesity.

More information:
British Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking and weight loss
Nordic Walking burns 46% more calories than normal walking. Or does it?
The INWA 10 Step Method

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