Social Distancing Wearables Reduce Anxiety About Returning to Work

Careless workers flouting social distancing guidelines or those unable to fully engage due to anxiety or so engrossed that they forget about social distancing will be alerted if they overstep recommended distances. Beaconzone Ltd’s Social Distancing Solution (SDS) alerts users and stores data associated with the incidents. Employees can take the potentially nervous step back to work assured by their employer’s commitment to their wellbeing through investment in this technology.
Wearable devices alert users by emitting a flashing light and/or vibration if they overstep a set distance. The time and duration of a breach is stored then automatically synchronised with a station for review, tracking and tracing. Close contact event data enables identification of workers at risk so that they may be alerted and improvements made to working methods or patterns. Data is stored for future contact tracing if required.
SDS is a stand-alone ‘out of the box’ solution with no ongoing subscription. Data stays within the organisation. The wearable devices offer contact-free capability by synchronising automatically and work without WiFi, Ethernet or cellular connection.
Simon Judge of Beaconzone Ltd comments:
“Recognising an urgent need for organisations to return to work whilst mitigating concerns about social distancing we have applied our expertise in Bluetooth devices to work rapidly in developing this solution. Managers can be confident that members of their organisations will be automatically reminded to stay a safe distance apart. This will support leadership and waylay concerns as we start to get back to work.”
The Social Distancing Solution has been developed by Beaconzone Ltd in the United Kingdom, specialists in Bluetooth® beacon solutions.
An evaluation/starter kit which consisting of two devices and a station is available for immediate purchase.