Front of the Queue: COVID-19 Inventions Prioritised

Front of the Queue: COVID-19 Inventions Prioritised

Jet engines. Jerry Cans. Radar. Rockets. Penicillin.

All of these world-changing inventions – among countless more – became physical realities in a very compressed period of time – the fraught years of World War II.

When historians look back to 2020, maybe there will be a silver lining to the current “Coronacrisis” that every country is grappling with – the number of new inventions that went from idea to reality, in a fraction of the usual time that such developments would normally take.

Doing their bit to help the country – and the world – bring these inventions to life is a Cornwall-based outfit called Innovolo. The company was only established in 2018 but the team benefits from decades of experience across multiple industries.

All of this experience and expertise is now being deployed in the fight of our lifetime – the battle against an invisible enemy, which has caused such widespread death and disruption. “Over the last 2 weeks, we have moved all of the COVID-19 related projects to our top priority category” confirmed Innovolo Managing Director Robin Pallister.

From devices that help key workers maintain social distancing, to sanitising solutions and safety screens, this crisis has sparked a wave of innovation beyond just the hospital and healthcare frontline. There are a host of new challenges, but it is also bringing out the extraordinary ability of individuals and companies to adapt and design new solutions to the problems we have never before faced on this scale.

So, if you have a Corona-inspired idea – whether for a physical product, a software application or a combination of both – now would be the perfect time to tell the team at Innovolo about it. With their expert help, your idea could become a reality far quicker than you think.

And if it helps to save lives and secure jobs in this crisis, then you too will have played a critical role in helping the country move forward into better times once again.


About Innovolo:

Leading Systematised Creativity™.  Innovolo helps people from all walks of life to create unique products and services from their ideas that will bring them a guaranteed return on their investment. 

Innovolo designs products from baby formula dispensers to fully-automated robotics for university students to blue-chip corporations in the UK and abroad, using a unique creativity framework not found anywhere else, the Innovolation Framework™, a hybrid agile-waterfall product development and design process that brings our clients results, fast.

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