Saturday, February 22, 2025

Could the COVID-19 Pandemic Give Way To a New Green Revolution?

Could the  COVID-19 Pandemic Give Way To a New Green Revolution?

It’s safe to say that the Coronavirus pandemic has been devastating on a global scale. At the time of writing there have been almost 90,000 deaths across the world. World economies have gone into freefall. Businesses have flailed as they struggle to adapt to new operational methods to stay afloat. Travel restrictions are widespread and most of the world has gone into a state of lockdown and self-isolation. Yet, even the darkest of clouds has a silver lining. As fewer of us are using our cars we’ve seen a huge drop in air pollution. As more and more companies come to realise the value of allowing their employees to work remotely, an increasing proportion of the workforce can look forward to making their daily commute a thing of the past. Or at the very least something to be endured on a part-time basis.

In our state of isolation, many of us around the world are re-assessing our way of life. We’re wondering which bits of “back to normal” are worth returning to. The issue of our environmental stewardship has been an issue of paramount importance to many long before the COVID-19 outbreak. But could the outbreak inadvertently give way to a new green revolution?

As well as working from home, here are some habits necessitated by the pandemic that can help us create a better post-pandemic world…

Eat more wholefoods and plants

Money is tight for many of us. And getting to the supermarket isn’t the breezy affair it once was. We’re having to shop less, by cheaper foods and make the food we buy last longer. Plant based foods like veggies, fruits, grains and pulses aren’t just cheaper than meat, eggs and dairy. They’re also healthier and infinitely better for the environment. They lend themselves well to canning, drying and freezing. Even if you don’t turn to a completely plant-based diet, you can reduce your intake of animal products during the pandemic and beyond. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to pollution, climate change, animal habitat loss and species extinction on the planet. 

Reconsider your car

At a time when money is a sensitive subject we should all be wary of the dangers of false economy. Not only could your current gas guzzling, fume spewing vehicle be offering you lousy mileage to the gallon, it could also be seriously exacerbating your carbon footprint. 

Reconsidering your personal or commercial car now could save you money and help you to lead a greener lifestyle in the long run. Consider taking yourself to a used car specialist like Trade Cars & Commercials when you’re able. You might just find yourself with something that’s more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. 

Rethink your waste

Finally, with many municipalities offering reduced collection of household waste, many of us are thinking a lot harder about what we throw away. We’re learning what we should and shouldn’t recycle. We’re learning to avoid single use plastics out of necessity. We’re composting at home and looking at what packaging is compostable and what isn’t. 

While we have a long road ahead of us, there’s the possibility of a greener future ahead!