How TourGame uses big data analytics for eSports in global market


There’s been an explosive growth in esports popularity over recent years, fuelled by mobile games specifically designed with online tournament such as Dota 2 and League of Legend. Many esports communities started to prosper in a digital ecosystem. In the digital esports world, collecting large amounts of structured data is no mean task – but it is worth the effort.

Like any other sport, winning doesn’t just depend on skill, dedication and luck. Strategy and analysis of past performance often play an essential role in success. Data collection, aggregation, and analytics lead to highly scalable business models, especially in a dynamic digital industry. As a result, big data analytics becomes economically relevant in esports.

TourGame, one of the leading gaming and eSports platform provider, has seized the opportunity to enhance their eSports platform with an AI-supported analytic tool to assess hundreds of data points collected from digitally recorded games. With big data analytics in esports, players and teams are able to leverage their information in ways that were not possible before. The tool provides useful statistics, identify weaknesses of competitor players and teams and predict the likelihood of an opponent’s next move in any given situation. Players, coaches and teams are eagerly investing in this tool for valuable information to give them a competitive edge.

Just as data analytics with traditional sports, big data analytics is vital for esports today and in the future. TourGame strives to continue its mission to shape the future of eSports using big data analytics and data protection technology and infrastructure.

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