4 Persuasive Reasons to Have Your Essays Written by ENL Writers

4 Persuasive Reasons to Have Your Essays Written by ENL Writers

For college students who lack either the time or the skill to write great essays, the internet offers an all-under-one-roof solution. Gone are the days when one would have to settle for poor grades. Today, anyone can access expert essay writers at the click of a button. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sites that can connect you to ESL and ENL writers who will write an essay for you (Sivasubramaniam, Kostelidou & Ramachandran, 2016). However, as a student, you are better off entrusting your work to an ENL writer.

#1. Native English

An ENL writer is a writer who uses English like a native (or first) language whereas an ESL writer is a writer who uses English as a second language (MacKenzie, 2015). ESL writers have to study the English language in order to be able to speak and write in it. ENL writers, on the other hand, are experts in conversing in English. 

Since Native speakers converse in English for most of their lives, they have a better mastery of the language. This means that they have a better grasp of the grammar rules and are less likely to make silly grammar mistakes that would be expected of some ESL writers. 

A native writer may be more passionate than an ESL writer. It is safe to argue that some ESL writers lack any incentive beyond the monetary value of their work. Such writers may, therefore, rush over papers in order to finish an essay and move on to the next one. The result of this is that the paper may be full of mistakes which will cost you in class. This may also result in a half-baked essay. An essay that is not supported by academic evidence, no matter how well-written, does not qualify as a good essay. 

#2. Effortless Writing

An ENL writer will definitely write more naturally than an ESL writer. The fact that English is a native language to the writer means that the writer knows how to use it effortlessly. Although it may not always be the case, some ESL writers may come across as trying too hard which waters down the quality of the essay. The issue of academic fraud can cause you a lot of problems with your professor. Hiring an ENL writer will help you avoid such eventualities.

If you are a native speaker yourself, using an ENL writer is a safer bet. This is because the writer will definitely write as your professor expects you to. Your professor will not only look at the sentence structure and quality of arguments when marking your essay. He/she will also be looking out for authenticity and consistency with the way you speak. The last thing you want is to alert your professor that the essay you submitted was written by someone other than you. 

#3. Quick in Problem Interpretation

ENL writers are just as great for international or ESL students. Since you do not have a tight grasp of the language, it is better that you let a writer who does do your essay for you (Huerta, Goodson, Beigi & Chlup, 2017). This writer will be in a better position to interpret your Professor’s instructions and answer the questions accordingly. This writer will also easily avoid grammar mistakes that you, the ESL student, might be more prone to. 

#4. Better in Understanding Academic Requirements Based on Region

Another important reason why you must have your essay written by an ESL writer is that they understand the academic requirements of their country better than international students might. If you are an international student, it makes no sense to hire a writer who is just as clueless about the college requirements as you are. 

Furthermore, some academic papers require students to write in a certain kind of language. For instance, you may be required to use either British or American English. Of course, a Native American writer will understand American English better than an ESL writer, just as a Native British writer will have a better mastery of British English. While both are English speakers, each language has different rules and structures which are only easier to learn through conversing than in the classroom. If these two forms of English are mixed up, the professor might detect that you had a writer do the work for you (Dawson & Sutherland-Smith, 2018).

While it is true that most native writers are more expensive than ESL writers, they are definitely worth the money. Granted, there are ESL writers who can write excellent essays and deliver within a short time. However, it is a wager you would rather not place on your grades. Getting a great ESL writer depends on sheer luck. On the flip side, most ENL writers have been proven to have a track record of delivering exceptional results. 

Hiring an ESL writer saves you the agony of trial and error. With an expert ESL writer, you are guaranteed not only thorough research but also impeccable grammar and timely delivery. Hiring an ESL writer takes the bulk of the work off your hands so that you can dedicate your time and energy to other important activities. The best part is that your essay will be delivered ready for submission. You need to proofread the work; you will not find any grammar or academic mistakes. The instructions will also be followed to the letter. 

Online essay writing services provide college students with an easy way to please their professors. Whether you are looking to secure your scholarship, avoid a re-sit or simply maintain excellent grades; CustomWritings is your go-to place for the best ENL writers. They will write your essay online while adhering to the required instructions to the letter. They also pay strict attention to issues such as plagiarism, referencing and formatting as these are what make a great essay. Stop worrying about poor grades and low-quality essays; contact them today.